It is very painful for me to share the breaking news that Boys Town Gang Lead Singer, our dearest business, friend and Disco Dance Celebrity Diva Cynthia Manley has died. Cynthia Manley was born on Edmond, Oklahoma, January 27, 1955 and die on September 10, 2020 at 3:00 am.
“Our beautiful angel Cynthia Manley has chosen to move on with GOD. She is now dancing with the angels and singing the choir.” By Unknown.
“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. KARMA!!! wear good shoes.” said recording artist, singer, performer and Diva Cynthia Manley.
Here are some information about her services and memorial services celebration set for September 12, 2020.
Photo by Alireza Kia /Alireza Kia Photography
Producer/DJ Bill Motley created an opportunity to form a group that catered to San Francisco large Gay clientele. So he casted hundreds of vocalists male and female for the group lead position. Entertainer and singer Cynthia Manley made it to the lead spot.
Please share this with all her fans and friends. Dearest Cynthia Manley was well known as the lead singer of Boys Town Gang and solo artist in the club scene.
Saturday, September 12, 2020
Starting at 11 am or 12 pm
Hooper & Weaver Mortuary
459 Hollow Way
Nevada City, CA 95959
(at Hooper & Weaver)
That’s the only service the day.
Memorial Celebration
@ Cynthia Manley House – 5.23acres lot
12812 Pearson Rd, Grass Valley, CA 95945
You can also see some of her videos
Photo by Alireza Kia /Alireza Kia Photography. Boys Town Gang Lead Singer, Friend and Disco Diva Cynthia Manley and Steven EscobarBoys Town Gang Lead Singer, Friend and Disco Diva Cynthia Manley and Steven Escobar.
Dance Club Songs is a chart published weekly by Billboard Magazine in the United States. It is a national survey of club disc jockeys to determine the most popular songs being played in nightclubs across the country. It was launched as the Disco Action Top 30 chart on August 28, 1976, and became the first chart by Billboard to document the popularity of dance music.
EDITOR’S NOTE: This information will be updated soon as we can get more. We apologized for been incomplete but dearest Cynthia Manley was so kind, lovelable and beautiful lady. R.I.P. Thank You.
Debra Wilson and Fawn. Photo credit to: Melissa Schwartz
On July 9, 2020, Stonedef Records, Inc., announced that Billboard hit songwriter and recording artist Fawn’s “Wait For The Sun” featuring Debra Wilson. Also joining forces are Joanna Cassidy, Judy Tenuta, Kate Linder, Shanice Wilson and many others in
support of Black Lives Matter.
“After seeing the horrific video footage of Ahmaud Arbery being murdered in cold blood, I couldn’t sleep. It haunted me. Then I heard about Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, Elijah
McClain and countless others.” said Billboard Hit Recording Artist Fawn.
Fawn immediately started to reach out to her, friends, acquaintances and colleagues, asking them to join with their voices.
Actress Kate Linder from The Young and the Restless. Photo credit to: Bob Freeman
“I couldn’t take it any longer, and I can no longer be silent, so I’m adding my voice against the atrocities, injustices and heinous actions people of color go through daily.” concluded Fawn.
“Wait for The Sun” is a song Fawn wrote about struggling and fighting your way through difficult, dark times. The message of the chorus, “Wait for The Sun” is a reminder to hold on because the sun is going to come out again.” A key unifying line is, “let the love remind you we’re one, and wait for the sun.”
The music video has a handful of soulful celebrities and people uniting for a spiritual journey into cosmic positivity and change. When Fawn saw Debra Wilson’s silent monologue performed to the song, there was one particular moment she felt captured the anguish, pain and frustration of the African American community.
June 20, 2020, Hollywood, CA — Hollywood’s Award Winning and Hit Recording Artist Fawn releases 2 new videos. She also released a new song title “Wait For The Sun”. This song is about the uncertain times that we are living and we have been affecting us with the pandemic CoronaVirus 19.
It is very cool to see father and son John and Leo Palisano been featured on this excellent production by award winning and hit recording artist Fawn.
“Wait For The Sun. This song reflects these frustrating times dealing with the challenges in our world.” said Hit Recording Music Artist Fawn.
Wait For The Sun was credits are for Words, music and performance by Fawn®. Music video edited by Fawn and shot by John Palisano.
Also due to the recent murder of African Americans by Police Department in the USA. She release a video of her hit song “Perfect”
“Perfect. Is a song about striving to become the best you, you can be.” Concluded Fawn.
RE: Donald J. Trump Impeachment and Inauguration of Hillary Rodham Clinton as the Truth 45th U.S. President Voted and Elected by The People.
Dear SpeakerPelosi,
First, I want to congratulate you for been elected Speaker of the House by members of Congress. I hope this letter find you well.
Now let’s get to my point of this letter. As you know we have a president in the White House whom doesn’t deserve to be seated and getting pay more than Half a million including lots of perks. Well, money is not the issue here. The issue is that Mr. Donald J. Trump thinks he is beyond the law and he doesn’t have to follow it.
Let me share my little story and what I have been told since I arrived to America. I became a naturalized US Citizen on May 20, 2015 and I was able to do so by living by the rules and following the laws, learning the language, working hard, filing/paying state and federal taxes, and being a good person. After 25 years I become a naturalized US Citizen.
My point here why Mr. Trump feels he can break the rules especially the US Constitution set and signed by our Founding Fathers of the United States?
I want to ask you and do the right thing this time. I know when president George W. Bush you refused to start impeachment process. Well this time, I urge and ask you to start the impeachment process against the worse president of the USA who is a scammer, con artist, traitor, thief, liar, racist, sick, cheater, corrupt and more. You know I am talking about Donald J. Trump who won the elections by cheating and working with Russian to interference in the 2016 United States elections.
So on the next congress assembly I ask you before Mr. Trump walk in you tell congress that you have a “Motion” and is “Impeachment” and the you want them to start on it now. The members of congress they know whom you want the impeachment and they know what they have to do next.
You tell members of congress to take away everything from the fake president, evict him and his family as well his puppets and give them 24 hours to vacate the premises. Mr. Trump has created shell companies overseas and have been transferring/wiring money from the US Treasure Department. He is stealing the US people money because he knows he may be lock up in jail for been the corrupted president of the USA. Don’t allow him to finish his term that will be a huge mistake on your part.
After the is done you ask members of Congress to start the process to inaugurate Hillary Rodham Clinton as the 45th US President. Hillary Rodham Clinton is the truth elected by the People of the USA. Here are the numbers that shows she won with a huge margin: 2016 Presidential Election
As you see she have tried two times and for sure on the second time she is a truth winner but Donald J. Trump cheated. So I ask you to do the right thing. Ignarute Hillary Rodham Clinton as the truth winner 45th US President after Trump impeachment. If you don’t make this happen, the American people will blame and dislike you. The haters will eat you alive like they did with President Barack Obama.
For your information if you don’t do this, Bernie Sanders may win the elections because my independent research with the public from different demographics and financial backgrounds they tell me they voted for Trump but their vote will go to Bernie Sanders. In my opinion Mr. Sanders will not be tough and I don’t think he can handle the job as president of the USA because of his age and health condition. So make your executive decision to call the Motion on the floor of Impeachment at the next Congress meeting.
Honorable SpeakerNancyPelosi, You must do this and set it on the record due to the fact that if you don’t your political career may be over. Currently you have lot of favoritism with the American people because of your toughness and be straight forward to the fake president. If you show your weakness the American people will ask member of congress to select another speaker of the house.
As a Salvadorean and 100% Latino that I am, but naturalized US citizen. I am so proud of your accomplishments and I still believe we can if we continue following the rules set by our founder fathers of the US; we can reach the American Dream on the promise land of the free.
Lastly, I want to share with you my short biography: Esteban A. Escobar aka Steven Escobar (born in El Salvador, Central America on September 6th and U.S. Naturalized on May 20, 2015). Steven Escobar is a multi-award winning American journalist, reporter, editor, columnist, writer, producer, director, publicist, radio personality, entrepreneur, accounts receivable specialist, social media-savvy, humanitarian and philanthropist. Steven Escobar holds the current positions as President and Executive Editor In Chief at Diversity News Magazine , CEO and President at Diversity News Publications , Radio Personality and Host at Diversity News Radio , Director and Producer at Diversity News TV , Founder, President and Executive Producer at Diversity Pageants USA of Diversity News Productions,
Honorable SpeakerNancyPelosi, I hope to heard back from you and please don’t disappoint me because I am educating people telling that you have fake president Donald J. Trump on a leash.
If you have any questions or problems, please do not hesitate to contact me directly at 213-321-9408 or 818-231-7370 cellulars or via U.S. mail to the above addresses, Also via emails to:, or or, or, or
Photo credit to: Gisele O/ for Diversity News Magazine
It was a short notice, but Steven invited over 35 close friends to join him on his special milestones. One was Esteban “Steven” Escobar New U.S. Citizen on May 20, 2015 and his Birthday in September 6, 2015. Steven Escobar Birthdays falls before or on after Labor Day. The other celebration was that on May 20th when he became new U.S. Citizen held at LA Convention Center. So small cozy event was held on September 6, 2015 from 7:30 to 9:45 pm at P.F. Chang’s China Bistro at Sherman Oaks Gallery.
The persons that attended were Jarvee Hutcherson, President of the Multicultural Motion Picture Association and National President of ASYM, Gisele Rebeiro known as the “Shooter Diva” Celebrity Syndicated Photographer for PartyBy5, PRPhotos, Editor of Got Anchored Online Magazine and Celebrity/Writer for Diversity News Magazine and Splash Magazines and Youth Center Training Development, Entrepreneur, CEO Monique Jackson and Songwriter Kristie Clark. During the event photos where taken.
“I want to thank the surprises I received and the people that I did not expected show up. Now I can see whom are friends that will drive miles to attend my event. I hope to be there for you as well.” said Steven Escobar.
Mr. Hutcherson presented Steven Escobar Certificate of Recognition from past retiree council-member 4th district of LA Honorable Tom LaBonge. The City of Los Angeles Certificate of Recognition was issued to: Steven Escobar and his media companies, Diversity News Magazine for 6 years of serving and informing the Southern California communities. Diversity News Publications for 12 years of informing, covering and serving Southern California and abroad.
Photo credit to: Gisele O/ for Diversity News Magazine
Steven got some beautiful gifts and took more photos with friends and guests. The staff at P.F. Chang’s China Bistro at Sherman Oaks Gallery were very attentive and provided great service.
Photo credit to: Gisele O/ for Diversity News Magazine
After the dinner the after party continues with Steven Escobar and Gisele Rebeiro, Mr. Craig M. at Carlitos Ways Cocktail Lounge. The first drink was compliment of Carlitos Castellanos.
Steven Escobar used this opportunity to take photos of his friends reading his quarterly special print magazine available for ordering at:
Esteban Escobar is known as Steven Escobar, Founder, CEO, President and Executive Editor-In-Chief of Diversity News Magazine, CEO and President of Diversity News Publications.
Photos credit to: Gisele O/ for Diversity News Magazine
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