Tag Archives: charity events

Steven Escobar Private Birthday and New US Citizen Celebration with Award Presentation

Photo credit to: Gisele O/PartyBy5.com for Diversity News Magazine

It was a short notice, but Steven invited over 35 close friends to join him on his special milestones. One was Esteban “Steven” Escobar New U.S. Citizen on May 20, 2015 and his Birthday in September 6, 2015. Steven Escobar Birthdays falls before or on after Labor Day. The other celebration was that on May 20th when he became new U.S. Citizen held at LA Convention Center. So small cozy event was held on September 6, 2015 from 7:30 to 9:45 pm at  P.F. Chang’s China Bistro at Sherman Oaks Gallery.

The persons that attended were Jarvee Hutcherson, President of the Multicultural Motion Picture Association and National President of ASYM, Gisele Rebeiro known as the “Shooter Diva” Celebrity Syndicated Photographer for PartyBy5, PRPhotos, Editor of Got Anchored Online Magazine and Celebrity/Writer for Diversity News Magazine and Splash Magazines and Youth Center Training Development, Entrepreneur, CEO Monique Jackson and Songwriter Kristie Clark. During the event photos where taken.

“I want to thank the surprises I received and the people that I did not expected show up. Now I can see whom are friends that will drive miles to attend my event. I hope to be there for you as well.” said Steven Escobar.

Mr. Hutcherson presented Steven Escobar Certificate of Recognition from past retiree council-member 4th district of LA Honorable Tom LaBonge. The City of Los Angeles Certificate of Recognition was issued to: Steven Escobar and his media companies, Diversity News Magazine for 6 years of serving and informing the Southern California communities. Diversity News Publications for 12 years of informing, covering and serving Southern California and abroad.

Photo credit to: Gisele O/PartyBy5.com for Diversity News Magazine
Photo credit to: Gisele O/PartyBy5.com for Diversity News Magazine

Steven got some beautiful gifts and took more photos with friends and guests. The staff at P.F. Chang’s China Bistro at Sherman Oaks Gallery were very attentive and provided great service.

Photo credit to: Gisele O/PartyBy5.com for Diversity News Magazine

After the dinner the after party continues with Steven Escobar and Gisele Rebeiro, Mr. Craig M. at Carlitos Ways Cocktail Lounge. The first drink was compliment of Carlitos Castellanos.

Steven Escobar used this opportunity to take photos of his friends reading his quarterly special print magazine available for ordering at: http://www.magcloud.com/browse/issue/957595

Esteban Escobar is known as Steven Escobar,  Founder, CEO, President and Executive Editor-In-Chief of Diversity News Magazine, CEO and President of Diversity News Publications.

Photos credit to: Gisele O/PartyBy5.com for Diversity News Magazine