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“Tombstone Pillow” Short Movie It Is Must Watch Because It Is A True Story

Tombstone Pillow Movie 2019
Updated poster of Tombstone Pillow Movie 2019

This past weekend, I saw the short movie Tombstone Pillow. Although it is short. you will definitely become inspired and learn something memorable!

Actress Producer Lourdes Duque Baron and Actress Kendra Sison De Mesa - Tombstone Pillow MovieThis movie is mainly about people in the Philippines living in a cemetery, and a wealthy widow. The starring roles are played by executive producer, singer, author and actress Lourdes Duque Baron as Olivia and actress Kendra Sison De Mesa as Maria Del Carmen.

Tombstone Pillow Actress Lourdes Duque BaronOlivia goes to the cemetery to visit her husband’s tomb and an angry mob meets her. She then meets Maria Del Carmen and asks her what she is doing at her husband’s tomb. Olivia and Maria Del Carmen have no time to talk because the angry mob is heading towards her. So, Maria Del Carmen helps Olivia to flee the angry mob.

After a couple of days pass, Olivia remembers Maria Del Carmen teaching her what has real value in life. So, one night she goes looking for her at the cemetery, but the people confront her again. Olivia tells them about her past and they leave her alone. However, she finds out that Maria Del Carmen has been dead for many years.

“Tombstone Pillow” features people living in the Philippines Manila North Cemetery. We should never take for granted what we have here in the US, because we are fortunate to live in a country where our “We the People” vote counts. Also, the US government cares about us.

Directors Daniel Lir and Bayou Bennett do a great job by bringing an inspiring drama to the big screen. They also introduce us to actresses Lourdes Duque Baron and Kendra Sison De Mesa. “Tombstone Pillow” serves as a great learning lesson as well as entertainment. It is a colorful film with a very little cast and few plot twists. However, the timeline is a bit unclear at times. For a number of scenes, I felt things were rushed and it was hard to tell whether it had been hours, days or months that had passed since the last time a given character had been on screen. I think the directors should have used titles before new scenes to identify hours and days.

Tombstone Pillow Movie - Actress Kendra Sison De MesaThe one actress that gave this reviewer pause was Kendra Sison De Mesa. She seemed to have fun acting along actress Lourdes Duque Baron. It was laughable when she gave the sandals to Olivia to run in the cemetery and Kendra threw her Christian Louboutin shoes in the trash. I also enjoyed how she took Olivia’s Gucci sunglasses to wear them

You need to watch this movie to understand what happens with Olivia and why Maria Del Carmen dies so fast. “Tombstone Pillow” is worthy to watch because what they show is a true story. To watch Tombstone Pillow movie go to: https://www.amazon.com/Tombstone-Pillow-Lourdes-Duque-Baron/dp/B08QR5MVMD


EDITOR’S NOTE: Full Disclosure; Esteban Steven Escobar is part of Tombstone Pillow movie production team.

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