Tag Archives: Miss Diversity

Diversity News Productions Focus on Diversity with Expansion of Diversity Pageants USA

Diversity Pageants calls on other Multicultural, Diversity and Inclusions organizations to join and partner with them by supporting the upcoming 1st annual Miss/Mrs Diversity & Miss/Mrs Diversity News Pageants Crowning Show and Red Carpet event.

HOLLYWOOD, Calif. – Oct. 4, 2016 — Diversity News Productions producer of the upcoming Miss/Mrs Diversity & Miss/Mrs Diversity News Pageants set for November 5, 2016! is calling Government agencies and other Multicultural, Diversity and Inclusions department organizations to join and partner with them by supporting the upcoming 1st annual Miss/Mrs Diversity & Miss/Mrs Diversity News Pageants Crowning Show and Red Carpet event.

Diversity News Productions, an events, film and productions company, today announced the expansion of Diversity Pageants, a company-wide initiative focused on identifying diversity opportunities through a variety of programs, community outreach and lending support to other nationally recognized diversity-focused organizations annual events. With the expansion, Diversity News Productions pageants furthers its commitment of creating and maintaining a diverse and inclusive opportunities to foster creativity and innovation in order to help woman from 14 to 75 years to become confident, make new friendships, learn leadership skills, network for new opportunities as well to empower them and pursue leadership roles in our Diverse society.

Government agencies and other Multicultural, Diversity and Inclusions department organizations get involved by supporting Diversity Pageants in purchasing tickets, advertise in the souvenir program or become sponsor of the event. You can get involved by calling: 818-787-1249 or 213-321-9408 or email to: info@missandmrsdiversity.com or sponsor@missandmrsdiversity.com

Diversity Pageants was founded in April 2016, in response to the controversy of no Diversity included in many entertainment award shows, television roles, modeling, media, government roles, movies roles and music, etc.

Diversity News Productions 1st annual Miss/Mrs Diversity & Miss/Mrs Diversity News Pageants Crowning Show Night to benefit AIDS Walk Los Angeles and & Autism Speaks. Diversity Pageants to be hosted by actor and producer Joel Valdez. Diversity Pageants red carpet host is American actress Thushari Jayasekera.

Diversity Pageants crowning show and red carpet event will be held at The Performing Arts Education Center on the campus of Agoura High School 28545 W Driver Ave, Agoura Hills, CA 91301 on November 5, 2016 from 5pm to 10pm. The event will feature live entertainment, a red carpet arrivals at 5pm and the show at 7pm.

So make a difference by purchasing tickets now: Tickets sale prices are $45 regular, $55 Reserved (VIP) for Miss/Mrs Diversity & Miss/Mrs Diversity News Pageants Crowning Show and Red Carpet Event. To purchase online regular or VIP tickets go to http://tinyurl.com/DiversityPageants2016

For ticket inquiries only: Call A-PAEC Box Office: (818) 889-8058, ext. 1 The PAEC Box Office hours are: A-PAEC: Mondays & Fridays from 8:30 to 11:30am and during all A-PAEC events.

You can also buy online tickets or hard tickets from the contestants. Please contact them directly to support them by buying tickets and sponsor souvenir ads.  Parking is Free.

Diversity Pageants to feature live performance by Billboard hit recording artist and singer-songwriter Fawn as well celebrities judges such as CBS The Young and the Restless and Hollywood Walk of Fame Star Recipient Actress Kate Linder, Coach to the Starts Bobbie Chance, Hit Recording Artist Fawn, Celebrity Fashion Designer Vida Craddock and Pageant Producer Natalya Korol.

The 1st annual Ms/Mrs. Diversity & Ms/Mrs. Diversity News Pageants has an array of contestants with very unique backgrounds and they’re are the following: Mrs. Diversity News Woodland Hills Marie Bogacz, Miss Diversity News Cabo Verde Carlina Rebeiro, Mrs. Diversity Costa Rica Gisele Rebeiro, Mrs. Diversity Lake Forest Wendy Lynn Adams, Miss Diversity News Oxnard Vanessa Reyes, Mrs Diversity Mexico Claudia Granados, Mrs. Diversity News Los Angeles Silvia E. Garcia, Miss Diversity News Thailand Janey Westbury, Mrs Diversity News Santa Monica Elizabeth Sandoval, Miss Diversity News Reseda Francesca Esker aka Sunshine, Mrs. Diversity Northridge Shaily Baguerian and Mrs. Diversity News San Diego Sharon Doyle.

Steven Escobar is the Founder, CEO, President & Executive Producer of Diversity Pageants.

Some of Diversity Pageants sponsors are Hollywood Actor’s Showcase, World Wide Vital Marketing & Public Relations, Terrace Studios, Bob Delgadillo Photography, SouthMain Rejuvenation Institute, SkinCare by Galina Capanni, Vida’s Essentials Soaps, Salts & Scrubs, PartyBy5, Designs by Vida, Local Celebrity Los Angeles, Got Anchored Online Magazine, Miss Diversity News Beauty Pageants Magazine, Diversity News Magazine, Diversity News Publications and more.

If you are an accredited media/press outlet and are you interested in covering our event? Please email your Name, Media/Outlet name, Website, telephone/cellular to: worldwidevitalpr@gmail.com

About Miss/Miss Teen/Mrs. Diversity and Miss/Miss Teen/Mrs. Diversity News Pageants: The purpose and mission of Miss Diversity, Miss Teen Diversity, Mrs. Diversity and Miss Diversity News, Miss Teen Diversity News & Mrs. Diversity News Pageants! is to help woman from 14 to 75 years to become confident, make new friendships, learn leadership skills, network for new opportunities as well to empower them and pursue leadership roles in our Diverse society. For more information visit missandmrsdiversity.com

About Diversity News Productions: Diversity News Productions, an events, film and productions company, which is part of the Diversity News Publications Family of Companies such as award winning DiversityNewsMagazine.com, DiversityNewsPublications.com, DiversityNewsMagazineAwards.com, Diversity News TV, award winning Diversity News Radio and more. For more information visit dnproductions.diversitynewspublications.com

About Esteban “Steven” Escobar: Esteban A. Escobar (born in El Salvador, Central America on September 6th and U.S. Naturalized on May 20, 2015) is a multi-award winning American journalist, reporter, editor, columnist, writer, producer, director, publicist, radio personality, entrepreneur, accounts receivable specialist, humanitarian and philanthropist. For more information visit http://www.imdb.com/name/nm4164655 or http://stevenescobar.diversitynewspublications.com/


Alex Leon, Director of Marketing & PR
Linda England, Events & PR Coordinator
World Wide Vital Marketing & Public Relations
TELS: (818) 787-1249 or (213) 867-1997