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Write for Us!

Looking for an amazing, strong, decent and award winning Mainstream Media “Consumer News Magazine For The People By The People” to share your creative and informative articles?

We are glad that you found us. Thank you for your interest in becoming DiversityNewsMagazine.org formerly DiversityNewsMagazineDotcom Contributor Writers, Reporters, Correspondents and Photographers. Want to cover amazing events in your area? Want to share your thoughts with the world? We are a “Consumer News Magazine For The People By The People”, and we would love to share your insights.

DiversityNewsMagazine.org Contributor Writers, Reporters, Correspondents and Photographers will be covering local, state, national and international news and entertainment events, including breaking news, red carpet events, awards shows, celebrity news, movie premieres, local news, national news, international news, politics, technology, money, pageants, fashion shows, television shows, exclusive one on one interviews, sports and much more.

About Diversity News Magazine: Hollywood’s Worldwide Online Consumer News Magazine. DiversityNewsMagazine.org formerly DiversityNewsMagazineDotcom was founded in 2009, Diversity News Magazine is an award winning independent online and special digital print edition mainstream multi-media outlet. DiversityNewsMagazine.org mission and purpose is to educate and inform our diverse community worldwide. We focus on featuring and reporting on local, national and international news, Arts & Entertainment, Awards Shows, Breaking News, Celebrity News, Red Carpet Events, Charities, Features, Fashion Shows, Parades, One on One Interviews, Healthcare, Movies, Politics, Sports and more importantly, newsworthy items that would be of interest to our diverse cultures.

Diversity News Magazine is not targeting a demographic, we are inclusive and work with everyone. We provide you with the hottest and latest breaking news, Arts & Entertainment, Awards Shows, Breaking News, News, Celebrity News, Entertainment, Fashion Shows, Features, Interviews, Music Concerts, Movie Premiers, Interviews, Red Carpet Events, Technology, Sports, Politics and more and videos straight from the news makers and shakers. For more information visit: diversitynewsmagazine.org, Like us on Facebook at: Facebook.com/DiversityNewsMagazine, Follow us on TwitterDiversity News Magazine Twitter and on Instagram @diversitynewsmagazine

In 2011 Diversity News Magazine reached over 19.5 million readers, views, and hits by the end of the year. Now is reaching an average of 2.5 millions per month.

Diversity News Magazine and Diversity News Publications have affiliate partnerships relationship for media content and distribution with the following media, news and entertainment leader companies such as MediaMax Online via EPK TV, PartyBy5.com, The Miss Universe Organization, ABC Television Network, CBS Television, NBC Universal, Inc via NBC Universal Media Village, Fox Broadcasting Company via Fox Flash, Summit Entertainment, Lions Gate Entertainment, Conscience Entertainment, Tehran International Weekly Magazine, Studio One via Men’s Life Today, Repost.Us, Film District Publicity, Grab Media formerly the Voxant Newsroom and many more.

We only select specific content the will be of interest to our readership from our media affiliate partners for media content and distribution .

DiversityNewsMagazine.org formerly DiversityNewsMagazineDotcom published by Diversity News Publications is looking for Contributor Writers, Reporters, Correspondents and Photographers. The Contributor Writers, Reporters, Correspondents and Photographers will be covering local, state, national and international news and entertainment events, including breaking news.

DiversityNewsMagazine.org Contributors/Reporters Writers’ Guidelines and Agreement:


You must share article links in all your social media to be considered credible contributor/reporter and to create a fanbase the loves to read your articles/stories with photos or videos.


Paid compensation for articles is not available at this time. We do hope to be able to offer compensation in the future, and any changes to the compensation policy will be updated here. However if you are assigned to cover an event, you may get access to cover A-list, B-list, C-list and D-list Actors & Celebrities and more by attending and report about events, Byline credit only. Contributors must remember that this is a non paid position, providing access to events, establish your writing portfolio, you the contributor receives credit and byline opportunity only when we publish or print your articles/stories.

Diversity News Magazine published by Diversity News Publications is always looking for talented, experienced freelance contributors/writers to enhance our online media magazine, special print magazine, ancillary publications and websites. Our general goal is to have a good mix of fun and substantive local stories of interest to our worldwide Diverse consumers and readers. If you think you can help us do that, then read on.

DiversityNewsMagazine.org, has the following list of writing opportunities we have for contributors/freelancers. To fully understand the list, you’ll need to be aware of DiversityNewsMagazine.org and the categories/sections and departments that make them up.

Before submitting your application via the form below and uploading your draft article, we encourage you to go over the guidelines below.


Make sure that the draft articles you submit to Diversity News Magazine are 100% original, meaning that the content was not published anywhere else on the internet (that includes your personal blog or website).


Please try to keep your article within the 550 – 1500 words range. Anything over 1500 words is difficult to read, and it may be a better idea to split the content across multiple articles.


Please refrain from any offensive or negative tone that may demotivate or discourage our readers. Try to keep it warm and positive. If you’re writing on a sensitive topic, make sure it is not biased and that the facts are checked. It is very important the all contributors must write as 3rd person. You are allowed to write as 1st person, when writing an opinion article, a product or service review. Remember by writing as 1st person you are giving your opinion on a product or service.


At DiversityNewsMagazine.org, formerly DiversityNewsMagazineDotcom we follow the Associated Press style. The Associated Press is an American multinational nonprofit news agency headquartered in New York City that operates as a cooperative, unincorporated association. Freelancers should follow AP style when writing their stories for us. We will make any slight adjustments in the few areas we deviate from AP style, if it is necessary.


DiversityNewsMagazine.org formerly DiversityNewsMagazineDotcom Staff and Contributors/Reporters writing format is by utilizing the Five W’s and one H. What are the Five W’s and One H? They are: Who, What, Why, When, Where and How. Why are the Five W’s and One H important? Journalism purists will argue your story isn’t complete until you answer all six questions. It’s hard to argue this point, since missing any of these questions leaves a hole in your story. Even if you’re not reporting on the news of the day, this concept could be useful in many professional writing scenarios.


Please upload/email your drafts via PDF, copy to the text to the body email or Microsoft Word formats.

IMAGES: We would appreciate if you provide relevant and high quality copyright free images along with your article.


If you intend to use DiversityNewsMagazine.org formerly DiversityNewsMagazineDotcom to write sponsored promotional articles stuffed with keywords and backlinks, then our platform can work for you. Each referenced source or link has to be of high quality and naturally blend with your content. You can endorse a company, their products or services and link them. Email us at: editor@diversitynewsmagazine.org or diversitynewsmagazine@gmail.com


Please do not focus the attention on a specific company or service. Your article needs to have a balanced viewpoint and if any product/company/service is mentioned, it needs to blend in with the nature of the article and be useful to our readers. You can endorse a company, their products or services and link them. Email us at: editor@diversitynewsmagazine.org or diversitynewsmagazine@gmail.com


DiversityNewsMagazine.org is a “Consumer News Magazine For The People By The People”, and we would love to share your insights. We aim to create useful and inspiring content for our readers. Whether it’s for upcoming entrepreneurs, style gurus, health, fitness, or sharing inspiring success stories. Your content has to be relatable. If you’re writing about woodcutting techniques or fires, car accidents, then DiversityNewsMagazine.org is probably not the place.


DiversityNewsMagazine.org formerly DiversityNewsMagazineDotcom contributors are professional individuals when writing an article/story are on the field covering an event. Diversity News Magazine contributors have an obligation to the news-makers and shakers to present a fair and balance article/story. It is unethical for contributor/reporter to mention his/her name on the body of an article/story when it shows the he/she is the contributor writer or reporter. Diversity News Magazine contributors can only have photos of themselves on the article/story but they can not mention their name in the body of the article/story because their byline is already there.


In general, we expect freelancers to use good journalism and solid writing in their Diversity News Magazine articles. Here are some specific requirements we ask of our freelancers:

  • Multiple sources. A minimum of two sources. A 450-word story should have no fewer than two sources; a 800-word story should have no fewer than three sources. Occasionally, some short Diversity News Magazine stories/articles have just one source, but that is rare. Bottom line: Do thorough reporting.

  • Diverse sources. DiversityNewsMagazine.org formerly DiversityNewsMagazineDotcom has a worldwide circulation in the internet. We are based in Hollywood, California but we are expanding to major cities of the United States and abroad. So it’s important to us that our sources reflect our readership. Freelancers don’t have to hit every county we cover, but they should have sources from more than one. And the more counties covered, the better.

  • Sidebars. Any story 1,000 words or more should have at least one sidebar. Sometimes it’s an info box referring readers to more information from a local organization. Sometimes it’s a list of tips related to the story’s subject. Readers like having information broken up for them and they enjoy multiple points of entry into a story, so we value freelancers who are mindful of that.


Be aware that as a Contributor for DiversityNewsMagazine.org formerly DiversityNewsMagazineDotcom, or its affiliates or subsidiaries, these are the terms and conditions that you must comply with:

At no time will you (as a writer, journalist, freelancer, reporter/host, reviewer or intern) or your associates, friends, family or affiliates directly request anything i.e. products, services or event attendance from outside companies as a representative of Diversity News Magazine or its affiliates or subsidiaries.

All requests MUST come through the Diversity News Magazine editorial team.

If you have a story idea, want to attend an event, want to review a product, etc. let us know and provide us with the pertinent information (through our web page interface) and we will contact the company on your behalf or provide you with an Editorial Assignment Document. ALL communications MUST ALWAYS be through our Diversity News Magazine editorial team!

At no time will you, while associated with DiversityNewsMagazine.org formerly DiversityNewsMagazineDotcom, or its affiliates or subsidiaries, give out your personal phone number, email address, physical address or any other personal contact information to any contacts made through or on behalf of Diversity News Magazine, or its affiliates or subsidiaries, nor will any of your friends, family or affiliates give out any of their personal information such as phone numbers, email addresses, physical address or any other personal contact information.

All correspondence and communications must come through DiversityNewsMagazine.org formerly DiversityNewsMagazineDotcom editorial team.

All submitted articles become the property of Diversity News Magazine in that we may keep your articles posted on our sites for as long as we see fit. You may use your articles in any other publications if you wish.

Any violation of these terms will result in immediate termination of our relationship with you and the immediate notification of companies that you have worked with (on our behalf) that you are no longer associated with DiversityNewsMagazine.org formerly DiversityNewsMagazineDotcom , or its affiliates or subsidiaries.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions that you may have (editor@diversitynewsmagazine.org).

There are many excellent opportunities available through DiversityNewsMagazine.org formerly DiversityNewsMagazineDotcom, that will allow you to experience things you may never have had access to before and, often, to receive the VIP treatment! Our sites receive a tremendous amount of traffic, so the articles you post will not only be read all over the world but will also often appear on the first page of Google searches! Keep in mind that this is not a paid position. Diversity News Magazine has been and continues to be willing to take more risks with new writers than other publications.


Please read the guidelines in their entirety BEFORE submitting.


All content must be written by you and must not have been published elsewhere.


You retain the rights to your submission, but DiversityNewsMagazine.org formerly DiversityNewsMagazineDotcom, reserves the right to promote/publish any article that is submitted to us indefinitely. Occasionally, articles from the magazine may be republished on the Diversity News Magazine blog, affiliate sites, newsletter, website, or other materials.


If your submission is selected and published in the magazine, you may not republish your article elsewhere in its entirety until at least 5 months have passed, and if/when you do, to include language that states “This article was originally published in Diversity News Magazine” and include a link to our website: http://diversitynewsmagazine.org.

In the meantime, to promote your article, we advise that you share a paragraph or short excerpt from the article to generate interest and include a link to your social medias for them to click your article/story, if they’d like to read more.


Will be assigned at the discretion of the Editor in Chief, and may range from 700 – 1500 words for articles (or as otherwise specified for interviews, photo journals, etc.). Your completed submission may not exceed the assigned word count limit. If you are having trouble meeting the word count assignment, please reach out to the editorial team at stories@diversitynewsmagazine.org before submitting your piece.


We want you to tell your story in your own words. So we will only edit your article for clarity, punctuation, spelling, and grammar. We also reserve the right to change the title of the piece.


A photo release will be required for any photos that are submitted. You (or your photographer, if applicable) will retain all rights to the photos you submit, but Holl & Lane retains the right to use any submitted photos to promote your article and the magazine on social media, the blog, our website, or other materials. Photo credit will always be given to the creator. We will not alter the photos other than to resize them to conform to image size specifications for the magazine, social media, and other materials.


  • The Assignment Desk Editor is who selects, develops and plans reporting assignments, either news events or feature stories, to be covered by contributors/reporters. He/She will provide instructions for your article/story will be provided when you are notified of your pitch/assignment selection. If you are having trouble with the submission system, please contact the editorial team at stories@diversitynewsmagazine.org. In addition, all content and photos must be submitted together in one submission.


If you are a photographer interested in working with us, email: editor@diversitynewsmagazine.org with a link to your profile.  We look specifically for lifestyle photographers. Due to the volume of submissions we receive, we cannot personally respond to everyone, however we will be in touch if we would like to move forward.
Note:  All contributors are unpaid, but you will receive credit in the online and digital print magazine.

If you have any questions that are not addressed here, please email stories@diversitynewsmagazine.org.


About Our Publications

DiversityNewsMagazine.org formerly DiversityNewsMagazineDotcom(publishes weekly/daily/monthly online)

Verified circulation:

Diversity News Magazine articles/stories pieces: 400-1500 words. Currently include:


Diversity News Magazine Special Print Issue Ancillary Publications/Special Sections



If you have any questions that are not addressed here, please email: editor@diversitynewsmagazine.org, diversitynewsmagazine@gmail.com or stories@diversitynewsmagazine.org.