Lourdes Duque Baron has accomplished a lot in her life and even at her current age of 74 she is not stopping. She is just getting started, and now she looks even younger and more beautiful than ever. Ms. Baron says that she feels like she is 34 years old not 74. After working long hours in different projects she finally got tp go on vacation. First she went to Hawaii and then Chicago. We can’t wait to see what new project ideas she brings on next.
Before she went on a well deserved vacation, she worked in a couple of projects including a stunning beautiful photoshoot on June 7, 2021 at Palos Verdes Peninsula, CA USA. We were informed that her photographer was the favorite wedding and beauty pageant celebrity photographer Huy Khiem from Huy Khiem Photography.
Yes, she still works hard. Before, during and after the Covid-19 Pandemic, she was very busy working with her movie production marketing team in the Philippines and here in the USA where she has contractors in Los Angeles and New York.

Lourdes Duque Baron has written 3 books. Her first published award winning book title is called “Scripted In Heaven”. Her second published book title is “I Called Myself Casandra” and her third published book title is “New Breed of Sapiens.” No, she did not write about snakes because of the word Sapiens. In fact her fourth book is about stem cells and their benefits. Ms. Baron may even have her fourth book in the works. In fact, our sources tells us that she is working in another book, and the title and the contents will be revealed soon.

Lourdes Duque Baron has also performed and recorded various songs, acted in various movies, and even started producing movies. Her movie credits include multi award nominated and winner Tombstone Pillow, Promdi, Ms. Lou. Her production credits include Tombstone Pillow, Promdi, Butanding, Dr. Baron, Covina.

Lourdes Duque Baron is also well educated. She earned her Master of Healthcare Administration (MHA) and her Master of Science in Gerontology (MSG). She may also have other higher education that we may not be aware of. Businesswoman Lourdes Duque Baron is the founder of Feeling Good at Any Age the One-Stop Rejuvenation Center. Lourdes Duque Baron is the administrator of Dr. Robinson Baron Medical Clinic as well Feeling Good at Any Age the One-Stop Rejuvenation Center. Lourdes Duque Baron also oversees her entertainment company Timeless Entertainment Inc. Lourdes Duque Baron is a former beauty pageant contestant and as well a very proud grandma.

One thing about Lourdes Duque Baron is that she is a woman of her word. We know her since 2014, and our friendship has grown stronger each and every day. We admire and respect Lourdes Duque Baron as well her husband Dr. Robinson Baron. Working with her is an honor and pleasure, and we try to get involved in her projects as much as we can.

Remember to visit us here at Diversity News Magazine to catch up with all the latest news and updates of our dearest celebrity friend Lourdes Duque Baron. For more information visit Lourdes Duque Baron IMDB at https://www.imdb.com/name/nm5505708/