Tag Archives: Scripted In Heaven

Author Singer Actress Producer Lourdes Duque Baron Living Like 74 is the New 34

Author Singer Actress Producer Lourdes Duque Baron Living Like 74 is the New 34
Author Singer Actress Producer Lourdes Duque Baron Living Like 74 is the New 34

Lourdes Duque Baron has accomplished a lot in her life and even at her current age of 74 she is not stopping. She is just getting started, and now she looks even younger and more beautiful than ever. Ms. Baron says that she feels like she is 34 years old not 74. After working long hours in different projects she finally got tp go on vacation. First she went to Hawaii and then Chicago. We can’t wait to see what new project ideas she brings on next.

Before she went on a well deserved vacation, she worked in a couple of projects including a stunning beautiful photoshoot on June 7, 2021 at Palos Verdes Peninsula, CA USA. We were informed that her photographer was the favorite wedding and beauty pageant celebrity photographer Huy Khiem from Huy Khiem Photography.

Yes, she still works hard. Before, during and after the Covid-19 Pandemic,  she was very busy working with her movie production marketing team in the Philippines and here in the USA where she has contractors in Los Angeles and New York.

Author Singer Actress Producer Lourdes Duque Baron Living Like 74 is the New 34 - Diversity News Magazine
Author Singer Actress Producer Lourdes Duque Baron Living Like 74 is the New 34

Lourdes Duque Baron has written 3 books. Her first published award winning book title is called “Scripted In Heaven”. Her second published book title is “I Called Myself Casandra” and her third published book title is “New Breed of Sapiens.” No, she did not write about snakes because of the word Sapiens. In fact her fourth book is about stem cells and their benefits. Ms. Baron may even have her fourth book in the works. In fact, our sources tells us that she is working in another book, and the title and the contents will be revealed soon.

Scripted In Heaven by Lourdes Duque Baron - Diversity News Magazine
Award winning book Scripted In Heaven by Lourdes Duque Baron
I Called Myself Cassandra by Book Author Lourdes Duque Baron - front book cover
I Called Myself Cassandra by Lourdes Duque Baron
New Breed of Homo Sapiens by Lourdes Duque Baron
Living Proof of the Power of Stem Cells – Lourdes Duque Baron
Singer Actress Lourdes Duque Baron Tina Turner Private Dancer photo - Diversity News Magazine
Author Singer Actress Producer Lourdes Duque Baron Living Like 74 is the New 34

Lourdes Duque Baron has also performed and recorded various songs, acted in various movies, and even started producing movies. Her movie credits include multi award nominated and winner Tombstone Pillow, Promdi, Ms. Lou. Her production credits include Tombstone Pillow, Promdi, Butanding, Dr. Baron, Covina.

Author Singer Actress Producer Lourdes Duque Baron Living Like 74 is the New 34 - Diversity News Magazine
Author Singer Actress Producer Lourdes Duque Baron Living Like 74 is the New 34

Lourdes Duque Baron is also well educated. She earned her Master of Healthcare Administration (MHA) and her Master of Science in Gerontology (MSG). She may also have other higher education that we may not be aware of. Businesswoman Lourdes Duque Baron is the founder of Feeling Good at Any Age the One-Stop Rejuvenation Center. Lourdes Duque Baron is the administrator of Dr. Robinson Baron Medical Clinic as well Feeling Good at Any Age the One-Stop Rejuvenation Center. Lourdes Duque Baron also oversees her entertainment company Timeless Entertainment Inc. Lourdes Duque Baron is a former beauty pageant contestant and as well a very proud grandma.

Author Singer Actress Producer Lourdes Duque Baron Living Like 74 is the New 34
Author Singer Actress Producer Lourdes Duque Baron Living Like 74 is the New 34
Author Singer Actress Producer Lourdes Duque Baron Living Like 74 is the New 34
Author Singer Actress Producer Lourdes Duque Baron Living Like 74 is the New 34

One thing about Lourdes Duque Baron is that she is a woman of her word. We know her since 2014,  and our friendship has grown stronger each and every day. We admire and respect Lourdes Duque Baron as well her husband Dr. Robinson Baron. Working with her is an honor and pleasure, and we try to get involved in her projects as much as we can.

Author Singer Actress Producer Lourdes Duque Baron Living Like 74 is the New 34
Author Singer Actress Producer Lourdes Duque Baron Living Like 74 is the New 34

Remember to visit us here at Diversity News Magazine to catch up with all the latest news and updates of our dearest celebrity friend Lourdes Duque Baron. For more information visit Lourdes Duque Baron IMDB at https://www.imdb.com/name/nm5505708/

Diversity News Radio on Air with Steven Escobar Co-Hosted by Lourdes Duque Baron

Diversity News Radio on Air with Steven Escobar to be Co-Host by International Published Author Lourdes Duque Baron

Diversity News Radio on Air with Steven Escobar to be Co-Host by International Published Author Lourdes Duque Baron
Scripted In Heaven By Lourdes Duque Baron
Diversity News Radio on Air with Steven Escobar to be Co-Host by International Published Author Lourdes Duque Baron
Scripted In Heaven By Lourdes Duque Baron

On June 27, 2013 – Hollywood, CA — Diversity News Productions producer of Diversity News Radio announced that Diversity News Radio on Air with Steven Escobar to be Co-Host by International Published Author Lourdes Duque Baron from “Scripted In Heaven” and upcoming book ”I Called Myself Cassandra” to co-host the show on Saturday, June 29, 2013 from 3:30pm to 4:15 pm.

To Listen to the show, click link here http://www.blogtalkradio.com/diversitynewsradio/2013/06/29/steven-escobar-lourdes-duque-baron-to-host-diversity-news

On this show they will talk about her new upcoming radio show on the Diversity News Radio Networks called “The Lourdes Duque Baron Live in Hollywood Talk Radio Show”. Also about her upcoming book ”I Called Myself Cassandra” and 2013 EOTM Awards.

As always guests are invited to be part of the show by calling in to speak with the host (760) 888-5783 or email at diversitynewsradio@gmail.com

About Lourdes Duque Baron:
Lourdes Duque Baron, MHA, MSG, is a Catholic baby boomer and the wife of Dr. Robinson V. Baron. Lourdes Duque Baron is a community leader, international published book author of “Scripted in Heaven”, beauty queen (3rd runner-up for Mrs. Asia USA 2011 representing the Philippines), producer, president of Celestial Productions and founder/president of The Baron Publishing House Corporation. On January 10, 2013 she was nominated for The Sidney Hillman Foundation Award for her book “Scriped In Heaven” On February 12, 2013 she was nominated for the 2013 EOTM Award for her published book “Scripted In Heaven” in the category of Outstanding Literary (Inspirational, True Story, Biography). On February 28, 2013 she won an award for her book “Scripted In Heaven” at MoneyCytec Achiever Awards Night 2013 in New York. For more information visit her IMDB at Lourdes Duque Baron Imdb or official site at http://lourdesduquebaron.com/

About Steven Escobar:
Esteban A. Escobar (born in El Salvador, Central America on September 6th) is an award winning American (Journalist, reporter, editor, columnist, writer, producer, director, publicist, radio personality, accounts receivable specialist and philanthropist). Steven Escobar is the Executive Editor-In-Chief of DiversityNews Magazine. Esteban “Steven” Escobar is also the Producer, Director of Diversity News TV, the host of Diversity News Radio, on Air with Steven Escobar, the President of Diversity News Publications and he owns E.E.Enterprises, an affiliate of The Diversity News Publications Family of Companies. For more information visit his IMDB at Esteban Steven Escobar Imdb

About Diversity News Radio On AIR with Steven Escobar and Diversity News Radio Top 10 Most Requested Songs with Steven Escobar: “Diversity News Radio, On AIR with Steven Escobar” is an interactive, live internet talk-radio show that focuses on singers, business leaders, actresses, actors, recording artists, music composers, authors and writers and more of all genres and mediums. The show format features live music, interviews, breaking news, gossips, announcements, confessions, events, advertisements and much more. Host Steven Escobar explores the careers, advice, writing style and personality of each guest. Callers are encouraged to call (760) 888-5783 to listen or ask questions. The stream and archives are available at Diversity News Radio Networks – Diversity News Radio On Air with Steven Escobar. or http://www.diversitynewsradio.diversitynewspublications.com/. The show is live every Saturdays and Sundays is the coutdown of songs with starts with #10 to #1 at 3:30 to 4:15 p.m. Pacific Standard Time. The show is hosted on BlogTalkRadio.

Book Signing of Scripted In Heaven by Lourdes Duque Baron at Scream Famous Clothing

Public Book Signing Tour of “Scripted In Heaven” by Lourdes Duque Baron at Scream Famous Clothing

Public Book Signing Tour of “Scripted In Heaven” by Lourdes Duque Baron at Scream Famous Clothing
Public Book Signing Tour of “Scripted In Heaven” by Lourdes Duque Baron at Scream Famous Clothing

International published book author and award winner Lourdes Duque Baron to continue her book tour in the USA. Book Signing Tour of “Scripted In Heaven” by Lourdes Duque Baron at Scream Famous Clothing Store Set For March 30th.

On Friday, March 22, 2013, The Baron Publishing House Corporation in association with Diversity News Productions/Publications announced that international published book author and award winner Lourdes Duque Baron will continue her book tour in the USA. The general public is invited to come to her book signing of “Scripted In Heaven”, on Saturday, March 30, 2013 from 3:00 p.m to 7:00 p.m at Scream Famous Clothing Store located at 7712 Melrose Avenue in Los Angeles, CA 90046.

The event will include complimentary h’orderves by Chef Ingrid Bedrosian from Ingrid’s Catering and drinks. With purchase of a book, guests can walk the red carpet and receive an autographed copy of the book. The cost is $55; please bring cash or checks only.
Diversity News TV will have beautiful actress and host Becca Minas interviewing the VIP celebrities. Also, Fil-Am Lorian Fausto from ITV will be interviewing on the red carpet.

Special confirmed celebrity appearances include:

  • Fil-Am & Brit Matthew Parry-Jones

  • Recording Artist, Performer, Singer and DIVA Cynthia Manley

  • Salta Desantiago (Mrs Asia USA 2011 winner)

  • Carlina Rebeiro (Miss Westchester Teen USA 2014)

  • Pamela Wolf (Fashion Designer behind Wolfeep)

  • Anjeli Jana (Miss India Asia USA 2013 and Ms. WeHo CA US 2012)

  • Chillie Mo (Actor/Rapper/Producer/Radio Host)

  • Nicole Kim (Winner of Mrs. Asia USA 2012) and many more.

  • Scripted In Heaven by Lourdes Duque Baron, The Baron Publishing House Corporation and Diversity News Productions wants to thank Canan Ayfer Fraser from Scream Famous Clothing, Matthew Parry-Jones, Celestial Productions, Travis Jourdain from Five Minute Photos, Gisele Rebeiro from PartyBy5.com, Linda Krongold from Diversity News Magazine, Lorian Fausto from ITV, The Robinson Baron Medical Clinic Staff and World Wide Vital Marketing & Public Relations, Inc.

    Public Book Signing Tour of “Scripted In Heaven” by Lourdes Duque Baron at Scream Famous Clothing
    Public Book Signing Tour of “Scripted In Heaven” by Lourdes Duque Baron at Scream Famous Clothing

    About Author Lourdes Duque Baron: Lourdes Duque Baron, MHA, MSG, is a Catholic baby boomer and the wife of Dr. Robinson V. Baron. Lourdes Duque Baron is a community leader, international published book author of “Scripted in Heaven”, beauty queen (3rd runner-up for Mrs. Asia USA 2011 representing the Philippines), producer, president of Celestial Productions and founder/president of The Baron Publishing House Corporation. On January 10, 2013 she was nominated for The Sidney Hillman Foundation Award for her book “Scripted In Heaven” On February 12, 2013 she was nominated for the 2013 EOTM Award for her published book “Scripted In Heaven” in the category of Outstanding Literary (Inspirational, True Story, Biography). On February 28, 2013 she won an award for her book “Scripted In Heaven” at MoneyCytec Achiever Awards Night 2013 in New York. For more information visit her IMDB at www.imdb.com/name/nm5505708/

    About “Scripted In Heaven”: “Scripted in Heaven” follows the journey of Dr. Robinson V. Baron and his physical and metaphysical healing. As a stubborn surgeon, he ignores a cryptic warning from an old lady about a supposedly imminent complication with his health. The struggles that follow take him on a journey of spiritual renewal, which leads him to rediscover his true faith and his true love. He seeks for the divine guidance of Padre Pio da Pietrelcina while trials and tribulations test him and his family. His devotion grows, even causing him to embark on a punishing pilgrimage to San Giovanni Rotondo in Italy, despite his fragile health.His mystical metamorphosis is a story of courage, sacrifice, and triumph. It inspires the reader to reflect on his own weakness and makes him long for purpose and truth in his mortal life. To purchase your copy of this book and/or to attend the next book signing please visit for more information http://www.scriptedinheaven.com

    About Scream Famous Clothing: Scream Famous Clothing was started and founded in 2012 by Canan Ayfer Fraser. She was inspired by her friend in London to start her own clothing business in the USA. She has always enjoyed fashion and is planning on bringing clothing and accessories from Europe and other locations from around the world to the USA. Canan Ayfer Fraser knows Los Angeles is a very fashion-forward city, and she is exposed to many fun and unique trends in the industry. For more information visit http://www.screamfamousclothing.com/

    Sources: Examiner.com and The Baron Publishing House Corporation

    Editor’s Note: Article first published on Examiner.com on March 22, 2013 at http://www.examiner.com/article/book-tour-of-scripted-heaven-by-lourdes-duque-baron-at-scream-famous

Scripted in Heaven By Lourdes Duque Baron, MHA, MSG. to be Interviewed on Diversity News Radio, On AIR with Steven Escobar

Scripted in Heaven By Lourdes Duque Baron, MHA, MSG. to be Interviewed on Diversity News Radio, On AIR with Steven Escobar

Scripted in Heaven By Lourdes Duque Baron, MHA, MSG. to be Interviewed on Diversity News Radio, On AIR with Steven Escobar
Scripted in Heaven By Lourdes Duque Baron, MHA, MSG. to be Interviewed on Diversity News Radio, On AIR with Steven Escobar

Another Exclusive Interview on Diversity News Radio, On AIR with Steven Escobar to interview “Scripted in Heaven” book author Lourdes Duque Baron, MHA, MSG. The interview will be LIVE on July 21, 2012 from 12:30 PM to 1:30 PM

Radio host, Steven Escobar will be asking many questions to Lourdes Duque Baron about her new book official launch and signing at various locations in Southern California of Scripted in Heaven.

Scripted in Heaven By Lourdes Duque Baron, MHA, MSG. to be Interviewed on Diversity News Radio, On AIR with Steven Escobar
Scripted in Heaven By Lourdes Duque Baron, MHA, MSG. to be Interviewed on Diversity News Radio, On AIR with Steven Escobar

Exclusive interviews, It only happens on Diversity News Radio, On Air with Steven Escobar.


During the show ANY one can participate by calling in:
Call in to speak with the host and guest at:
(760) 888-5783

Thank you to our sponsors, we upgraded our show to 2 hours and we will be even given away mp3′s of DiegoDiego Fans.

Scripted in Heaven, Based on A True Story. Scripted in Heaven is a story about the physical and metaphysical healing of Dr. Robinson V. Baron. It is a story of a surgeon who believes he is invincible. When the misguided night of his soul succumbs to the relentless, illicit carnal seductions and lures him to the cesspool of mortal sins, he ‘meets’ Padre Pio da Pietrelcina, who’s been dead for over 29 years, and encounters a saving grace that delivers him from the portals of perdition.

About the Author Lourdes Duque Baron, MHA, MSG:
Lourdes Duque Baron, MHA, MSG, is a Catholic baby boomer and the wife of Dr, Robinson V. Baron. Upon embarking on this incredible journey, she has dedicated her life to spreading the message of Padre Pio. In late 2012, she will open a shrine of St. Pio da Pietrelcina in the convent of the Trinitarians of Mary on 3009 E. Cameron Avenue in West Covina, California

Somewhere in the process of putting this book together, I had a self-realization: the lost soul that I desired to save belonged to me. And so, while I penned the simple truth of our great trials and tribulations, I found God speaking to me. I found myself in the middle of a transformation.

It was March 16, 2011. I had just finished reading The 33 Doctors of the Church by the Capuchin author Fr. Christopher Rengers, O.F.M. Cap. It was an account of the lives of saints who shaped the hearts and minds of the Catholic Church . In my study, I had a new revelation every time I came to a new page in the book, prompting me to develop this incessant need to turn to the next, to seek out the next revelation. I came to realize how little I knew of my faith and it became clear to me that I have not only been keeping Jesus at a distance, but that I have been offending my Lord for the past 64 years of my life. For more information visit http://scriptedinheaven.com/

About Diversity News Radio, On AIR with Steven Escobar:
“Diversity News Radio, On AIR with Steven Escobar” is an interactive, live internet talk-radio show that focuses on singers, business leaders, actresses, actors, recording artists, music composers, authors and writers and more of all genres and mediums. The show format features live music, interviews, breaking news, gossips, announcements, confessions, events, advertisements and much more. Host Steven Escobar explores the careers, advice, writing style and personality of each guest. Callers are encouraged to call (760) 888-5783 to listen or ask questions. The stream and archives are available at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/diversitynewsradio. or http://www.diversitynewsradio.diversitynewspublications.com/. The show is live every Fridays and Saturdays at 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. Pacific Standard Time. The show is hosted on BlogTalkRadio.

About BlogTalkRadio:
Launched in 2006, BlogTalkRadio is a social media platform that allows users to host live, interactive radio shows, with no downloads or extra equipment needed. BlogTalkRadio’s unique technology and seamless integration with leading social networks enables individuals, corporations and organizations to create and share their original content, their voices and opinions in a public worldwide forum. Since the network’s inception, thousands of hosts have broadcast more than 600,000 shows to the millions of listeners it attracts each month. Featured network guests include: President Barack Obama, Francis Ford Coppola, Maya Angelou, David Baldacci, and many more. BlogTalkRadio has been featured on ABC News, The Washington Post, Portfolio, Talkers Magazine, and TheStreet.com. The citizen broadcasting network can be found at http://www.blogtalkradio.com/

#ScriptedInHeaven, #LourdesDuqueBaron, #Interview,  #DiversityNewsRadio,  #OnAir,  #StevenEscobar

Lourdes Duque Baron, to host Official “Scripted In Heaven” book signing at Trinitarians of Mary

Lourdes Duque Baron, to host Official “Scripted In Heaven” book signing at Trinitarians of Mary

Lourdes Duque Baron, to host Official “Scripted In Heaven” book signing at Trinitarians of Mary
Lourdes Duque Baron, to host Official “Scripted In Heaven” book signing at Trinitarians of Mary

Book Author Lourdes Duque Baron, MHA, MSG, to host Official “Scripted In Heaven” book signing at Trinitarians of Mary on July 29, 2012 from 2:00 pm to 8:00 pm

On Friday, July 20, 2012 World Wide Vital Marketing & Public Relations Inc.  announced that Book Author Lourdes Duque Baron, MHA, MSG, to host Official “Scripted In Heaven” book signing at Convent of the Trinitarians of Mary located at 3009 East Cameron Ave., West Covina, California 91791 on July 29, 2012 from 2:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

“Somewhere in the process of putting this book together, I had a self-realization: the lost soul that I desired to save belonged to me. And so, while I penned the simple truth of our great trials and tribulations, I found God speaking to me. I found myself in the middle of a transformation.” said author Lourdes Duque Baron, MHA, MSG.

Joining Lourdes Duque Baron will be Mother Lillie and the Sisters of the Trinitarians of Mary at their newest convent in West Covina, California.
Rev. Fr. Ermelindo di Capua from San Giovanni Rotondo is schedule to attend a dedication event for St. Pio of Pietrelcina (Padre Pio) on August 25, 2012. Fr. Ermelindo has been Padre Pio’s Italian liaison to the English-speaking world.

Lourdes Duque Baron, to host Official “Scripted In Heaven” book signing at Trinitarians of Mary
Lourdes Duque Baron, to host Official “Scripted In Heaven” book signing at Trinitarians of Mary

She concluded “It was March 16, 2011. I had just finished reading The 33 Doctors of the Church by the Capuchin author Fr. Christopher Rengers, O.F.M. Cap. It was an account of the lives of saints who shaped the hearts and minds of the Catholic Church. In my study, I had a new revelation every time I came to a new page in the book, prompting me to develop this incessant need to turn to the next, to seek out the next revelation. I came to realize how little I knew of my faith and it became clear to me that I have not only been keeping Jesus at a distance, but that I have been offending my Lord for the past 64 years of my life.”

Lourdes Duque Baron, to host Official “Scripted In Heaven” book signing at Trinitarians of Mary
Lourdes Duque Baron, to host Official “Scripted In Heaven” book signing at Trinitarians of Mary

Prior to the official book launch and signing she will be also pre signing and selling her book Scripted In Heaven Hardcover Special Limited Edition! Which will be signed and available for $50.00 plus tax at the JW Marriott Los Angeles L.A. LIVE (Next to Staples Center) located at 900 West Olympic Boulevard, Los Angeles, California 90015 on (July 26th to 28th) Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm.

The July 29th event will feature a red carpet arrival, book signing, coffee, cookies and light refreshments will be available for guests. For those people who cannot make it to the official Scripted in Heaven book launching event with Mother Lillie and the Sisters of the Trinitarians of Mary in West Covina, California, can purchase online Special Hardcover Limited Edition for $50.00 + Tax and Shipping at http://scriptedinheaven.com/. The Digital/E-Book also will be available soon.

WHAT: Scripted In Heaven by Lourdes Duque Baron, MHA, MSG book signing

WHERE: Convent of the Trinitarians of Mary
3009 East Cameron Ave., West Covina, California 91791

WHEN:  Sunday, July 29, 2012 from 2:00 pm to 8:00 pm.
1:45 pm to 2:00 pm – MEDIA CHECK-IN
2 :00 pm to 3:00 pm – RED CARPET ARRIVALS
3:00 pm to 4:00 pm – PROGRAM
5:00 pm to 8:00 pm – BOOK SIGNING
9:30 pm to 1:00 am – PRIVATE AFTERPARTY
COST: HARDCOVER BOOK $50.00 + tax.

Excerpt from the book Scripted in Heaven by Lourdes D. Baron:
‎”It was not only Robin who experienced a transformation during his miraculous healing from cancer; together we embarked on this life-changing journey, and together, we became a stronger follower of Jesus Christ.
I conceived the idea of writing a book and penning the stories about the physical and metaphysical transformation that took place in my husband’s life when he was finally healthy enough to resume his medical practice.
There were no more check ups, no more medications to take, and therapy was over. For us, we had come to the final point in his struggle and the testament of victory. Now that Robin was healthy and life was normal again, we had tangible evidence of God’s goodness for others to see. We knew the blessing we received was a blessing that had to be shared. Moved, we rallied behind a mission: to lead lost souls to the love of Jesus Christ.”
– Scripted in Heaven, Part III | Conversion

PRESS/MEDIA RSVP: Contact: Alex Leon from World Wide Vital Marketing Public Relations at: worldwidevitalpr@gmail.com or Steven Escobar (Account Executive and Media Liaison) for World Wide Vital Marketing Public Relations at (213) 321-9408.

About Scripted In Heaven:
Scripted in Heaven is a story about the physical and metaphysical healing of Dr. Robinson V. Baron. It is a story of a surgeon who believes he is invincible. When the misguided night of his soul succumbs to the relentless, illicit carnal seductions and lures him to the cesspool of mortal sins, he ‘meets’ Padre Pio da Pietrelcina, who’s been dead for over 29 years, and encounters a saving grace that delivers him from the portals of perdition. For more information visit http://scriptedinheaven.com/

About Lourdes Duque Baron, MHA, MSG:
Lourdes Duque Baron, MHA, MSG, is a Catholic baby boomer and the wife of Dr, Robinson V. Baron. Upon embarking on this incredible journey, she has dedicated her life to spreading the message of Padre Pio. For more information visit her official blog at http://scriptedinheaven.wordpress.com/

Alex Leon, Director of Marketing & PR
World Wide Vital Marketing & Public Relations Inc.
TELS: (323) 465-3945 or (213) 321-9408




Lou Baron
Phone: (888) 882-9946
Email: scriptedinheaven@gmail.com
Website: http://scriptedinheaven.com/