Tag Archives: TEE SHIRTS

Wardrobe Spring Cleaning

Wardrobe Spring Cleaning

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Photo credit to: ShutterStock

The weather is warming up, people are starting to spend more time outdoors, and it’s about to be everyone’s favorite time of year. With spring just around the corner, it’s time to start thinking about your spring cleaning. And while cleaning out your oven is essential, it’s not that interesting to read about. So we’re going to take a look at another, often neglected area of spring cleaning, cleaning out your wardrobe.

When was the last time you went through your clothes and decided to get rid of all of those clothes you never wear? Can’t remember? You’re not alone. Many of us just let the clothes pile up over time with the thought that hey, we’ll wear this old shirt again someday, right? Wrong. You need to cut the cord and realize that the clothes you don’t like now, you’re never going to like. Spring cleaning is the time to be judicious, and that means taking a hard look at what should stay and what should go. Need some help getting started? We’ve put together a little checklist to guide you along the way. Check it out:

Start with the Basics
Need a place to start? Go for the socks, tee shirts, and underwear drawer, as these are the items that tend to go unnoticed for the longest time. And trust us, you don’t want to let them go that long. In most cases, you could use a refresher on your socks and underwear. Instead of just getting the same plastic package from the department store, treat yourself to something a little higher quality this time around. Try something like VK Nagrani designer underwear that you’ll actually enjoy wearing. With higher quality materials, more interesting styles, and a more flattering cut, you won’t miss your old undies, we promise.

Move into Outerwear
Once you’ve covered the basics, you should move into your outerwear collection. As the weather is getting warmer and you’re going to be moving your jackets to the back of the closet, it’s the perfect time to start thinking about which items are worth storing, and which are just taking up space. If you live somewhere exceptionally cold, we understand holding onto a few extra layers for the sake of warmth, but for most people, if you have more than four jackets, you’re probably never wearing them. Do yourself a favor and toss the ones that you haven’t taken out in years. They’re just a bulky waste of space, and the people at Goodwill can give them to someone who will appreciate them much more.

Judge Your Footwear
Out of everything in your wardrobe, your shoes tend to age the fastest. With the constant contact with rain, pavement, dirt, and grime, your shoes show their age very quickly and very noticeably. While you might have broken in your favorite pair, they probably don’t have the same luster they did when you bought them. It’s ok to say goodbye to your shoes, they were never made to last forever.

When in Doubt, Toss It
The golden rule of spring wardrobe cleaning, if there is such a thing, is that when you’re not sure if you should hold onto something or not, you shouldn’t. Donating your old clothes and shoes is a therapeutic exercise and helps set the stage for becoming the person you want to be. In the spirit of spring renewal, starting over with a new wardrobe is refreshing. You’ll be relieved of that guilty feeling when you see a shirt you haven’t worn in ages, and you’ll make room for some new things to freshen up your look.

EDITOR’S NOTE: Wardrobe Spring Cleaning is been re published from Diversity News Magazine Dot com archives at archive org
