Category Archives: ELECTIONS

Esteban Escobar aka Steven Escobar and Diversity News Magazine Support Governor Newsom and Vote NO on the Recall

I support CA Governor Gavin Newson - NO on the Recall September 14, 2021
California Governor Vote NO on the Recall

Esteban Steven Escobar and Diversity News Magazine Support Governor Newsom and Vote NO on the Recall

Los Angeles, CA — Esteban Escobar aka Steven Escobar and Diversity News Magazine has announced their full Support to California Governor Gavin Newsom and they have Vote NO on the Recall. Steven Escobar and Diversity News Magazine encourage its readers and fans to support Gavin Newsom by Voting NO on the September 14, 2021. Steven Escobar Vote NO on the Recall last week.

California Governor Vote NO on the Recall
California Governor Vote NO on the Recall

Those other wannabe candidates, you guys are a joke! and they are doing it because they have big mouths and someone is braining washing their small heads. Covid-19 is not the fault of CA Governor Gavin Newsom. Perhaps some of you should look at your selves and say why those homeless? Well you are greedy that expect tenants to pay for your entire mortgage loan. Perhaps you need to rent your properties at decent prices. Also when you hire someone, you want to pay peanuts. So is not the CA Governor Newsom responsible for all the bad things in the state. Man up and look at the problems that you have created and find solutions! Those big mouth who want to be street politicians and bringing on the dirty laundry of the candidates are just desperate and interested for the big paycheck. They have no idea of  how to run a Diverse state like is California. Don’t take me wrong, I have friends from all the parties, but I been observing and is embarrassing seen whom are running to break what is already fixed. I personally know Mr, Kevil Kaul and some of his group followers and I can state he is not ready to run this state. Mr. Kevin Kaul needs a lot of work on himself! Mr. Kevin Kaul ca not be a governor of the State of CA. in fact he needs helps to run his own business ventures professionally. About Mrs. Caitlyn Jenner, well she is a rich person and her ego is more important to her like that she can show off and brag it. Remember Caitlyn Jenner is a person that can change her mind anytime about whatever. Even though she has lots of money from her other past life. She want more money to show it and brag off.

September 14 Recal;l
I Support Governor Newsom Vote No on Recall

To All you who want to touch the money that Governor Gavin Newsom has authority, you need to learn and be on the same level that he is. Instead of been bitching and complaining educate yourself, get degrees and you are lazy or not able, then you all should put your money for better use such community city programs or grants, By creating those programs you will give the opportunity to well deserve residents/citizens.

California Governor Vote NO on the Recall
California Governor Vote NO on the Recall

Governor Gavin Newsom, You are doing great, don’t let this big mouth people take you down. Just call a meeting with the members of assembly to make law bills to lover business and payroll taxes because those business are leaving the state and they blaming you for it. Make a law to help new starting business with a $5K to $15K and $25K to start a business in CA. Where no taxes for the first 5 to 10 years. Create incentives for business owners and provides tools for them to run the business.

Perhaps give land to build business building where no rent to be pay for over 10 years. Providing land and housing to people that has a business plan, that they will build a business and agreed to live in the house 10 years rent tax free. I am willing to join your tax force to make this possible. Free free to reach out to me here.

Everyone voting on this ridiculous Recall. Please Vote NO. That will show CA Gavin Newson that you respect and care for all the work he has done and plans to do in the coming days.

We wish California Governor Gavin Newsom good luck on this stupid recall.

About Diversity News Magazine: Hollywood’s Worldwide Online Consumer News Magazine. formerly DiversityNewsMagazineDotcom was founded in 2007 by Esteban Steven Escobar.  Diversity News Magazine is an award winning independent online and special digital print edition mainstream multi-media outlet. To learn about our impact in Southern California please click on Nominations and Awards at Our service has  been recognized by non profit organizations as well government agencies politicians.

Diversity News Magazine’s mission and purpose is to educate and inform our diverse community worldwide. Diversity News Magazine is not targeting a demographic, we are inclusive and work with everyone. We focus on featuring and reporting local, national and international news, but more importantly, newsworthy items that would be of interest to our diverse cultures.

Diversity News Magazine provides you with the hottest and latest breaking local, national and international News, Arts & Entertainment, Awards Shows, Breaking News, Celebrity News, Entertainment, Fashion Shows, Fashion and Beauty, Healthcare, Features, Interviews, Music Concerts, Movie Premiers, Money, Red Carpet Events, Technology, Sports, Politics and more, including videos straight from the news makers and shakers.

For more information visit:, Like us on Facebook at:, Follow us on Twitter@RealDNewsMag and on Instagram @diversitynewsmagazine

The White House Releases Official Portraits of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris

Official Portraits of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris
On Friday, April 9, 2021, The White Releases the official portraits of the 46th President Joe Biden and 49th Vice President of the United States Kamala Harris.

On Friday, April 9, 2021, The White releases the official portraits of the 46th President Joe Biden and 49th Vice President of the United States Kamala Harris.

The inauguration of Joe Biden as the 46th president of the United States took place on January 20, 2021, marking the start of the four-year term of Joe Biden as president and Kamala Harris as vice president.

About President Joe Biden: President Biden represented Delaware for 36 years in the U.S. Senate before becoming the 47th Vice President of the United States. As President, Biden will restore America’s leadership and build our communities back better.

Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. was born in Scranton, Pennsylvania, the first of four children of Catherine Eugenia Finnegan Biden and Joseph Robinette Biden, Sr. In 1953, the Biden family moved to Claymont, Delaware. President Biden graduated from the University of Delaware and Syracuse Law School and served on the New Castle County Council.

Official Portrait of Vice President Kamala Harris
Official Portraits of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris

About Vice President Kamala Harris: Kamala D. Harris is the Vice President of the United States of America. She was elected Vice President after a lifetime of public service, having been elected District Attorney of San Francisco, California Attorney General, and United States Senator.

Kamala Harris sought the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination, but withdrew from the race prior to the primaries. Biden selected Harris as his running mate in August 2020, and their ticket went on to win the general election in November. Harris assumed office as vice president of the United States on January 20, 2021.

Vice President Kamala Harris was born in Oakland, California to parents who emigrated from India and Jamaica. She graduated from Howard University and the University of California, Hastings College of Law.

Source: The White House

Donald J. Trump 45th President of the United States Impeached Again

Donald J. Trump 45th President of the United States Impeached Again
Official portrait of President Donald J. Trump, Friday, October 6, 2017. (Official White House photo by Shealah Craighead)White

On January 13, 2021, 7 days before his term ends, Donald J. Trump the 45th President of the United States was impeached again by the U.S. House of Representatives.

Donald Trump was charge with incitement of insurrection by a group of Trump supporters mob who took over the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021. Donald J. Trump claimed fraud that the elections were stolen from him but with no proof.

The U.S. House Representatives voted 232-197 to impeach Trump.

Donald J. Trump was impeached the first time on December 18, 2019 by the U.S. House of Representatives for abuse of power and obstruction of congress. The U.S. Senate controlled by Republicans declare him not guilty on February 5, 2020.

Trump Campaign Asking for Donations and Misleading That The Democrats Will Try To Steal This Election!

Graphics credit to: SmartNews App
Graphics credit to: SmartNews App
Graphics credit to: SmartNews App

As we all know the elections are pending to call the winner of the 2020 elections but president Donald Trump campaign are spreading false misleading information. We know Joe Biden has as of November 4, 2020 264 Electoral College and Donald Trump has 214.


On November 4, 2020, The Trump Make America Great Again Committee sent email to their followers to donate money.

The email comes with the subject: The Fake News is wrong AGAIN and when you click to Contribute it shows the following: “The Democrats Will Try To Steal This Election!”

But here is the text of the body of the email to Trump followers:

The Democrats will try to STEAL the Election! President Trump needs YOU to step up and DEFEND the results.

When you click to donate the following text shows:


The President needs YOUR HELP!

We can’t allow the Left-wing MOB to undermine our Election. President Trump needs his fiercest and most loyal defenders, like YOU, to step up and FIGHT BACK!

Please contribute ANY AMOUNT RIGHT NOW to DEFEND the integrity of our Election and to increase your impact by 1000%!

Something interesting about Donald Trump crying and bringing false misleading information reminds us of 2016 elections when Hillary Clinton won the popularity vote but, he stole the elections from her. Is not that called Karma? What do you think readers and fans?

Diversity News Magazine Special Summer Print Issue Featuring Hillary Rodham Clinton for USA President 2016

BREAKING NEWS: Diversity News Magazine Special Summer Print Issue Featuring Hillary Clinton for USA President & Named as Woman of the Year 2016. Diversity News Magazine is available for purchase online. It is one of the exclusive collections that you must have!

On June 4, 2016, Diversity News Publications, publisher of Diversity News Magazine unveiled the release of their newest magazine: Diversity News Magazine Special Summer Print Issue Featuring Hillary Rodham Clinton for USA President & Named as Woman of the Year 2016.

“It is my honor and pleasure to feature our future USA President Hillary Clinton. Which we are also excited to named her “Woman of the Year! 2016″. By the way nobody has been ever given this title on Diversity News Magazine, Mrs. Clinton is the first one and we congratulate her for it.” said Steven Escobar, Diversity News Magazine, CEO, President and Executive Editor-In-Chief.

Diversity News Magazine Special Summer Print Issue also has inside their pages great articles such as: OMG Musica Y Mas TV Show Official Red Carpet Launch A Huge Success!, 11th Annual Mother and Son “Magical Ball” supporting Autism Awareness and upcoming events CSW LA Pride, AIDS Walk Los Angeles 2016, United Chambers of Commerce Sixth Annual Valley Mega Mixer. Also inside the magazine includes the latest menu from Cafe Tamal and much more.

Also on this issue, they invite you to learn about their new venture which is their pageants. Yes, they are seeking contestants to compete on the following pageants: Miss Diversity, Miss Teen Diversity, Mrs. Diversity and Miss Diversity News, Miss Teen Diversity News & Mrs. Diversity News Beauty Pageants! They hope you join them by purchasing tickets from the delegates, or by being a sponsor.

If you are curios to find out who else is inside the magazine pages, you must order your print or digital copy of the Spring 2016 Special Summer Print Issue.

Diversity News Magazine Special Print Edition will be holding a meet and greet event where celebrities who have been on the cover will be invited to come and autograph copies of the magazine for their fans and our loyal readers. If you are interested in sponsoring our meet and greet event, please call (213) 321-9408 or

Diversity News Magazine Special Print Issue is published in partnership with Blurb, Inc., a product of HP MagCloud and is available to be order in print for $12.99 or digital for $9.99. Just click the link at: or visit Diversity News Magazine for the entire collection at:

Anyone who buys the print version will get Free Digital (Digital version is a PDF) with Print Purchase, a savings of $7.99. Remember by purchasing the magazine, you are supporting a team to continue publishing the magazine. You can help them to continue publishing the magazine by sponsoring pages. You can contact CEO, President and Executive Editor-In-Chief Steven Escobar at to find out how you can get involved and help with sponsorship opportunities.

About Diversity News Magazine Special Print Edition:
DIVERSITY NEWS MAGAZINE Special Print Edition is published 4 times or more a year by Diversity News Publications. Diversity News Magazine Special Print Edition features the best coverage of the past quarter and upcoming entertainment events. You can visit the site at

About Diversity News Magazine:
Diversity News Magazine was founded in 2007, Diversity News Magazine is an award winning independent multi-media outlet and their mission and purpose is to educate and inform the diverse community worldwide. It focuses on featuring and reporting on local, national and international news, features, arts and entertainment, politics, sports and more importantly, newsworthy items that would be of interest to our diverse cultures. Diversity News Magazine is not targeting a demographic, they are inclusive and work with everyone. For more information visit Diversity News Magazine at

EDITOR’S NOTE: is formerly DiversityNewsMagazine Dot com