Diversity News Magazine founded and owned since 2011 by Esteban Steven Escobar files for domain name trademark!
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE — Diversity News Media Brands formerly Diversity News Publications publisher of Diversity News Magazine Org and Diversity News Magazine Dot Com files for Diversity News Magazine Dot Com trademark with the USPTO. Mr. Esteban Escobar aka Steven Escobar who is the owner and founder of Diversity News Magazine Dot Com files for company name and domain trademark.
During July – September 2019, Mr. Escobar was not able to pay the renewal fees to GoDaddy immediately due to financial hardship and litigation going at the moment. When Mr. Escobar was ready to renew its domain on September 2019 GoDaddy has already sold the domain to a guy overseas from Punjab, Pakistan who is a domain squatter. Immediately Mr. Escobar registered the domain name Diversity News Magazine Org while consulting with his colleagues and friends on ways to get back his Diversity News Magazine Dot com domain. Mr. Escobar was advised to trademark his domain name which he has done.
For your information, the domain squatter will first perform searches on the availability of domain names, which include business names, brand names, trademark names, or anything he or she feels will be valuable to the company willing to pay for. If it’s available, the individual buys the domain name, with the intent of selling it at a higher price to the owner of the business or the brand.

For those people who does not know what Cybersquatting means, it means the practice of registering names, especially well-known company or brand names, as internet domains, in the hope of reselling them at a profit. It also means registering, trafficking in, or using an Internet domain name with bad faith intent to profit from the goodwill of a trademark belonging to someone else. The term is derived from “squatting“, which is the act of occupying an abandoned or unoccupied space or building that the squatter does not own, rent, or otherwise have permission to use.
So after purchasing the domain, the Pakistan domain squatter man contacted Mr. Escobar asking to give him access to his Diversity News Magazine Gmail account and wanted all his Diversity News Magazine social media accounts such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn etc. The Pakistan middle east man offered Mr. Escobar $100 US Dollars for all his social media profile pages. However, this Pakistan domain squatter did purchase Diversity News Magazine Dot com because he needed to make a quick buck. The Pakistan cyber squatter has read online that Mr. Escobar needed money. The Pakistani Cyber squatter tried to Cybersquatting Mr. Escobar by asking him to sale all his social media profile accounts including Gmail for $100 US dollars. Mr. Escobar very well knows that his social media pages are worth more than $100 US dollars in fact he knows some of his pages are worth thousands of dollars.
Domain squatting is illegal. A domain squatter is blocking the rightful owner of the trademark or brand from acquiring the domain name and using it to increase his or her internet visibility.
The law looks at domain squatting as similar to holding a property (the domain name) in order to raise ransom, and it is considered a trademark infringement. If a domain squatter can’t prove a legal intent in owning the domain name, it is considered to be a bad faith registration, and he or she is considered guilty of domain squatting.
For those who does not know what Cybersquatting means, it means the practice of registering names, especially well-known company or brand names, as internet domains, in the hope of reselling them at a profit. The Pakistani guy contacted Mr. Escobar via Facebook and Twitter. One time the Pakistan man asked Mr. Escobar to buy back Diversity News Magazine Dot Com from him for a higher price.
Mr. Escobar has been keeping an eye on his domain and because he keeps getting emails from former readers, partners, affiliates and colleagues asking if he is still in charge of Diversity News Magazine Dot Com. So after consulting with various colleagues, on 3-31-2021, Mr. Escobar decided to trademark Diversity News Magazine name and Diversity News Magazine Dot Com domain.
Diversity News Magazine Dot Com and Diversity News Magazine Org are Mr. Escobar companies in the US. Mr. Escobar tells us that lots of middle east people are desperate to make a quick buck so they do this kind of illegal things. Mr. Escobar advices anyone reading this press release to secure your intellectual properties because out there in the battle field are desperate rats! who trying to benefit on others hard work. To the individual that purchase Diversity News Magazine Dot com domain from the domain squatter you know that’s illegal and if you are a good person, you should have contacted Mr. Escobar directly but not been a desperate rat with no brains to start your own media site! Perhaps you haven’t read the newspaper or seen the news online on how companies reach to each other to purchase to make offers and an end buying legally those media companies.

So the Pakistan worm domain squatter man researched Mr. Escobar’s Diversity News Magazine Dot com and Diversity News Publications Dot com domains. The Pakistan worm domain squatter man found out that Mr. Escobar is been investing, running and promoting Diversity News Publications and Diversity News Magazine since 2003 to the present which is over 18 years. Diversity News Publications and Diversity New Magazine are known and recognized in Southern California by many organizations including government officials. In fact Diversity News Publications and Diversity New Magazine has received multiple awards and nominations in Southern California from non profit organizations and government officials.

Mr. Escobar wants to set the record clear that yes in deed he is the owner and founder of Diversity News Magazine, DiversityNewsMagazine.com name and domain. Diversity News Publications Dot Com and Diversity News Magazine Dot com were founded in 2003 in Los Angeles, CA. The name Diversity News Publications which owns Diversity News Magazine Dot com was a registered business entity in the City of Los Angeles and as well Diversity News Magazine. Diversity News Media Brands formerly Diversity News Publications is the publisher of Diversity News Magazine Dot Com and Diversity News Magazine Org. So Diversity News Magazine is known as a company name and a trademark as well. His founder and owner Mr. Esteban Escobar aka Steven Escobar is known for those company and domain names.
If you Google Diversity News Magazine Dot com and Diversity News Publications Dot com you will find that Mr. Steven Escobar information is listed along in various website directories as the owner and publisher with his contact information such as emails and telephone number. Also lots of marketing and public relations organizations email their press releases for publication to Mr. Escobar to be published on his domains Diversity News Magazine Dot com, Diversity News Publications Dot com and Diversity News Magazine Org.
So now that the United States Patent and Trademark Office has published that Mr. Esteban Escobar has filed for the trademark DIVERSITY NEWS MAGAZINE – DIVERSITYNEWSMAGAZINE.COM. Mr. Escobar issue a Trademark Infringement – Cease and Desist and Domain Trademark Infringement – Cease and Desist to the known Registrar and Hosting companies as well the contact in the domain Whois database which is mostly hidden as private. So Mr. Escobar received a response from the person that may have bought Diversity News Magazine Dot com from the worm Pakistan domain squatter. The person is refusing to cooperate by transferring Diversity News Magazine Dot com to Mr. Escobar hosting company. Also one of the hosting companies representative has responded stating that the trademark is not true enforceable because is in process at the USPTO.

Mr. Escobar just want his the infringement person or individuals to stop using his domain name. Mr. Escobar is the one who has expended many years and thousands of dollars on Diversity News Magazine Dot com in the domain marketing, SEO, performance and online footprint. He would not do something like that if he is not interested on it. So the domain squatter knew what he was doing just to get a quick buck. Mr. Escobar bumped with a woman of the name of Sarah John who has is hiding her identity. Mr. Escobar thinks Sarah John may be the one that make a deal with the worm Pakistan domain squatter by buying the domain from him. That makes Sarah John a domain squatter herself!
For those of you reading this press release let me tell you that Sara John or any aka’s she may use is not the owner of Diversity News Magazine Dot com We have requested proof of registration and ownership from Sara John and she haven’t comply neither is not cooperating. Sara John keeps infringing Mr. Escobar trademark name. Sara John Cybersquatting is illegal and you must transfer the domain to Mr. Escobar because he never gave up on his domain. To those individuals or companies that are paying or sponsoring Sarah John to publish guest articles on Diversity News Magazine Dot Com I ask to stop because Sara John is not the owner of the trademark Diversity News Magazine neither an agent, nor an employee of Diversity News Magazine. Mr. Escobar will ask the Icann organization to shut the website down if Sarah John doesn’t transfer to him before the end of July 2021.
Also please note that Sara John or whomever she is affiliated does has any rights and do not own Diversity News Magazine dot com and be cautions of fraud or scams. Mr. Escobar does not want to consider a lawsuit against the infringer, but he is considering shutting down website Diversity News Magazine Dot Com. That only thing Mr. Escobar wants is his domain name to be transfer to his hosting company name Free Hosting at (502) 791-5340 You can also contact Mr. Escobar at his cellular 213-321-9408 or email to: diversitynewsmagazine@gmail.com
Alex Leon, VP and Director of Marketing & PR
IHW Digital Marketing and Public Relations
TEL: (213) 867-1997
EDITOR’S NOTE: Partial press release first appeared on PR Log at https://www.prlog.org/12878341-diversity-news-media-brands-publisher-files-trademark-for-diversity-news-magazine-dot-com-domain-name.html