Category Archives: MEDIA

Renowned Robotic Surgery Pioneer Chronicles Life and Career in Memoir

Evolution of a Surgeon By Dr. Robinson V. Baron
Evolution of a Surgeon By Dr. Robinson V. Baron

Dr. Robinson V. Baron, Renowned Robotic Surgery Pioneer Chronicles Life and Career in Memoir

From Humble Beginnings in the Philippines to Medical Innovation: Dr. Robinson V. Baron’s Journey in ‘Evolution of a Surgeon.

Esteemed Robotic Surgeon, Dr. Robinson V. Baron, Reflects on His Memoir’s Impact Since Its 2022 Release.
Recognized as a trailblazer in his field, Dr. Robinson V. Baron continues to be a champion surgeon at Emanate Health Medical Center in West Covina, California.
In “Evolution of a Surgeon,” Dr. Robinson V. Baron offers an intimate and inspiring account of his extraordinary life’s journey, from an unconventional upbringing to a successful career as a master surgeon and humanitarian. The memoir begins with his colorful birth in the Philippines and navigates through the complexities of immigrating to a new country, pursuing a career in medicine, and contributing to groundbreaking research. Throughout the book, Dr. Robinson V. Baron pays homage to the individuals and events that have shaped his remarkable trajectory.
Born in a Nipa hut in the Philippines during the Battle of Leyte, Dr. Robinson V. Baron skillfully weaves a narrative that encompasses redemption, the various facets of war, love, laughter, passion, and moments of tragedy, all vividly portrayed.
Within the pages of the memoir, Dr. Robinson V. Baron candidly recounts the highs and lows of adapting to a new culture, the challenges of adulthood, and the trials of medical school against the backdrop of a rapidly evolving world. His unwavering commitment to aiding others, coupled with advancements in technology, paved the way for his significant contributions to the field of medicine.
Evolution of a Surgeon By Dr. Robinson V. Baron
Evolution of a Surgeon By Dr. Robinson V. Baron

With vivid characterization and dramatic flair, Dr. Robinson V. Baron illuminates how his dedication to healing became the cornerstone of his existence.

“Evolution of a Surgeon” is a captivating memoir that underscores the power of one individual’s determination to bring about lasting change in the world. It invites readers on a transformative journey through integrative medical practice and the discovery of a truly exceptional man.
Released in January 2022, “Evolution of a Surgeon” continues to resonate with readers, reminding them of fundamental human truths, as Dr. Robinson V. Baron himself emphasizes.
The writing of this book was a lifelong endeavor for Dr. Robinson V. Baron, fueled by childhood experiences and a deep desire to make a difference. “When I was a child, I witnessed our once robust neighbor succumb to illness and death due to lack of access to medical care. I was just a kid, but I aspired to become a doctor to help people like him,” Dr. Robinson V. Baron shared.
As a practicing robotic surgeon, Dr. Robinson V. Baron’s interests extend beyond medical practice to the delivery and accessibility of healthcare for his patients. In his book, he draws upon years of personal experience to dissect some of the intricacies of America’s healthcare system, addressing the challenges and emotional toll faced by healthcare professionals.
Dr. Robinson V. Baron also reflects on poignant moments, such as the loss of a patient, and the impact of senior attending physicians like Dr. Hadder, who offered understanding and kindness during times of professional hardship.
Over the past three decades, Dr. Robinson V. Baron has remained committed to giving back to the community through medical and surgical missions to underserved communities in Tecate, Mexico, on a monthly basis, and various municipalities in the Philippines annually.
Through his compelling personal transformation, Dr. Robinson V. Baron continues to serve as a source of inspiration for individuals of all ages. “Evolution of a Surgeon” serves as a testament to the resilience and determination required to overcome adversity and achieve greatness.
Evolution of a Surgeon By Dr. Robinson V. Baron
Evolution of a Surgeon By Dr. Robinson V. Baron

About Dr. Robinson V. Baron, M.D.:

Dr. Robinson V. Baron, M.D. is an Esteemed Robotic Surgeon and author of memoir, Evolution of a Surgeon.

Dr. Robinson V. Baron is recognized as an early pioneer in his field of expertise, Dr. Robinson V. Baron is a champion surgeon in Covina, California. Dr. Robinson V. Baron, M.D. practices on his own medical clinic name Robinson V. Baron Medical Clinic and as well at Feeling Good At Any Age – The One Stop Rejuvenation Center.
Dr. Robinson V. Baron, M.D. is affiliated with multiple hospitals in the area, including Emanate Health Inter-Community Hospital, Emanate Health Queen of the Valley Hospital and PIH Health Hospital-Whittier.
He received his medical degree from Far Eastern University Nicanor Reyes Medical Foundation and has been in practice for more than 20 years.
Dr. Robinson V. Baron, M.D. is marry to award winning Author, Singer, Actress and Producer Lourdes Duque Baron.

Diversity News Media Brands Publisher Files Trademark For Diversity News Magazine Dot Com Domain Name

Diversity News Magazine dot com December 2011
Diversity News Magazine dot com December 2011

Diversity News Magazine founded and owned since 2011 by Esteban Steven Escobar files for domain name trademark!

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASEDiversity News Media Brands formerly Diversity News Publications publisher of Diversity News Magazine Org and Diversity News Magazine Dot Com files for Diversity News Magazine Dot Com trademark with the USPTO. Mr. Esteban Escobar aka Steven Escobar who is the owner and founder of Diversity News Magazine Dot Com files for company name and domain trademark.

During July – September 2019, Mr. Escobar was not able to pay the renewal fees to GoDaddy immediately due to financial hardship and litigation going at the moment. When Mr. Escobar was ready to renew its domain on September 2019 GoDaddy has already sold the domain to a guy overseas from Punjab, Pakistan who is a domain squatter. Immediately Mr. Escobar registered the domain name Diversity News Magazine Org while consulting with his colleagues and friends on ways to get back his Diversity News Magazine Dot com domain. Mr. Escobar was advised to trademark his domain name which he has done.

For your information, the domain squatter will first perform searches on the availability of domain names, which include business names, brand names, trademark names, or anything he or she feels will be valuable to the company willing to pay for. If it’s available, the individual buys the domain name, with the intent of selling it at a higher price to the owner of the business or the brand.

Diversity News Magazine November 2019
Sarah John (Sarah Jones) who is currently violating our trademark domain name is a been a cybersquatting participant. Please note that she is not an employee, not an agent, not consultant, not a representative or is not part of Diversity News neither or any other subsidiaries of Diversity News Media Brands. We ask that to be aware of possible fraud and scams where we are not to be held liable or responsible for the individual cybersquatting tactics.
Archive org Diversity News Magazine November 2019 page 2
Archive org Diversity News Magazine November 2019 page 2

For those people who does not know what Cybersquatting means, it means the practice of registering names, especially well-known company or brand names, as internet domains, in the hope of reselling them at a profit. It also means registering, trafficking in, or using an Internet domain name with bad faith intent to profit from the goodwill of a trademark belonging to someone else. The term is derived from “squatting“, which is the act of occupying an abandoned or unoccupied space or building that the squatter does not own, rent, or otherwise have permission to use.

So after purchasing the domain, the Pakistan domain squatter man contacted Mr. Escobar asking to give him access to his Diversity News Magazine Gmail account and wanted all his Diversity News Magazine social media accounts such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, LinkedIn etc. The Pakistan middle east man offered Mr. Escobar $100 US Dollars for all his social media profile pages. However, this Pakistan domain squatter did purchase Diversity News Magazine Dot com because he needed to make a quick buck. The Pakistan cyber squatter has read online that Mr. Escobar needed money. The Pakistani Cyber squatter tried to Cybersquatting Mr. Escobar by asking him to sale all his social media profile accounts including Gmail for $100 US dollars. Mr. Escobar very well knows that his social media pages are worth more than $100 US dollars in fact he knows some of his pages are worth thousands of dollars.

Our Diversity News Magazine logoDomain squatting is illegal. A domain squatter is blocking the rightful owner of the trademark or brand from acquiring the domain name and using it to increase his or her internet visibility.

The law looks at domain squatting as similar to holding a property (the domain name) in order to raise ransom, and it is considered a trademark infringement. If a domain squatter can’t prove a legal intent in owning the domain name, it is considered to be a bad faith registration, and he or she is considered guilty of domain squatting.

Diversity News Magazine City of Los Angeles awardFor those who does not know what Cybersquatting means, it means the practice of registering names, especially well-known company or brand names, as internet domains, in the hope of reselling them at a profit. The Pakistani guy contacted Mr. Escobar via Facebook and Twitter. One time the Pakistan man asked Mr. Escobar to buy back Diversity News Magazine Dot Com from him for a higher price.

Diversity News Magazine Summer-Fall Special Print Issue Featuring Bobbie Shaw Chance Acting Coach to the Stars 7-1-16 to 9-31-16.Mr. Escobar has been keeping an eye on his domain and because he keeps getting emails from former readers, partners, affiliates and colleagues asking if he is still in charge of Diversity News Magazine Dot Com. So after consulting with various colleagues, on 3-31-2021, Mr. Escobar decided to trademark Diversity News Magazine name and Diversity News Magazine Dot Com domain.
Diversity News Magazine Dot Com and Diversity News Magazine Org are Mr. Escobar companies in the US. Mr. Escobar tells us that lots of middle east people are desperate to make a quick buck so they do this kind of illegal things. Mr. Escobar advices anyone reading this press release to secure your intellectual properties because out there in the battle field are desperate rats! who trying to benefit on others hard work. To the individual that purchase Diversity News Magazine Dot com domain from the domain squatter you know that’s illegal and if you are a good person, you should have contacted Mr. Escobar directly but not been a desperate rat with no brains to start your own media site! Perhaps you haven’t read the newspaper or seen the news online on how companies reach  to each other to purchase to make offers and an end buying legally those media companies.

DiversityNewsMagazine dot com with trademark register logo
DiversityNewsMagazine dot com with trademark register logo

So the Pakistan worm domain squatter man researched Mr. Escobar’s Diversity News Magazine Dot com and Diversity News Publications Dot com domains. The Pakistan worm domain squatter man found out that Mr. Escobar is been investing, running and promoting Diversity News Publications and Diversity News Magazine since 2003 to the present which is over 18 years. Diversity News Publications and Diversity New Magazine are known and recognized in Southern California by many organizations including government officials. In fact Diversity News Publications and Diversity New Magazine has received multiple awards and nominations in Southern California from non profit organizations and government officials.

Hollywood Star Recipient and Actress Kate Linder from The Young and the Restless featured on Diversity News Magazine
Hollywood Star Recipient and Actress Kate Linder from The Young and the Restless featured on Diversity News Magazine

Mr. Escobar wants to set the record clear that yes in deed he is the owner and founder of Diversity News Magazine, name and domain. Diversity News Publications Dot Com and Diversity News Magazine Dot com were founded in 2003 in Los Angeles, CA. The name Diversity News Publications which owns Diversity News Magazine Dot com was a registered business entity in the City of Los Angeles and as well Diversity News Magazine. Diversity News Media Brands formerly Diversity News Publications is the publisher of Diversity News Magazine Dot Com and Diversity News Magazine Org. So Diversity News Magazine is known as a company name and a trademark as well. His founder and owner Mr. Esteban Escobar aka Steven Escobar is known for those company and domain names.

Domain Trademark Infringement – Cease and Desist letter dated 7-15-21 Domain Trademark Infringement – Cease and Desist letter dated 7-15-21
If you Google Diversity News Magazine Dot com and Diversity News Publications Dot com you will find that Mr. Steven Escobar information is listed along in various website directories as the owner and publisher with his contact information such as emails and telephone number. Also lots of marketing and public relations organizations email their press releases for publication to Mr. Escobar to be published on his domains Diversity News Magazine Dot com, Diversity News Publications Dot com and Diversity News Magazine Org.

So now that the United States Patent and Trademark Office has published that Mr. Esteban Escobar has filed for the trademark DIVERSITY NEWS MAGAZINE – DIVERSITYNEWSMAGAZINE.COM. Mr. Escobar issue a Trademark Infringement – Cease and Desist and Domain Trademark Infringement – Cease and Desist to the known Registrar and Hosting companies as well the contact in the domain Whois database which is mostly hidden as private. So Mr. Escobar received a response from the person that may have bought Diversity News Magazine Dot com from the worm Pakistan domain squatter. The person is refusing to cooperate by transferring Diversity News Magazine Dot com to Mr. Escobar hosting company. Also one of the hosting companies representative has responded stating that the trademark is not true enforceable because is in process at the USPTO.

Diversity News Magazine CA State Assembly award
Diversity News Magazine State of CA Assembly award

Mr. Escobar just want his the infringement person or individuals to stop using his domain name. Mr. Escobar is the one who has expended many years and thousands of dollars on Diversity News Magazine Dot com in the domain marketing, SEO, performance and online footprint. He would not do something like that if he is not interested on it. So the domain squatter knew what he was doing just to get a quick buck. Mr. Escobar bumped with a woman of the name of Sarah John who has is hiding her identity. Mr. Escobar thinks Sarah John may be the one that make a deal with the worm Pakistan domain squatter by buying the domain from him. That makes Sarah John a domain squatter herself!

For those of you reading this press release let me tell you that Sara John or any aka’s she may use is not the owner of Diversity News Magazine Dot com We have requested proof of registration and ownership from Sara John and she haven’t comply neither is not cooperating. Sara John keeps infringing Mr. Escobar trademark name. Sara John Cybersquatting is illegal and you must transfer the domain to Mr. Escobar because he never gave up on his domain. To those individuals or companies that are paying or sponsoring Sarah John to publish guest articles on Diversity News Magazine Dot Com I ask to stop because Sara John is not the owner of the trademark Diversity News Magazine neither an agent, nor an employee of Diversity News Magazine. Mr. Escobar will ask the Icann organization to shut the website down if Sarah John doesn’t transfer to him before the end of July 2021.

Diversity News Magazine & Steven Escobar City of Los Angeles award
Also please note that Sara John or whomever she is affiliated does has any rights and do not own Diversity News Magazine dot com and be cautions of fraud or scams. Mr. Escobar does not want to consider a lawsuit against the infringer, but he is considering shutting down website Diversity News Magazine Dot Com. That only thing Mr. Escobar wants is his domain name to be transfer to his hosting company name Free Hosting at (502) 791-5340 You can also contact Mr. Escobar at his cellular 213-321-9408 or email to:

Alex Leon, VP and Director of Marketing & PR
IHW Digital Marketing and Public Relations
TEL: (213) 867-1997



EDITOR’S NOTE: Partial press release first appeared on PR Log at

Diversity News Media Brands Files Trademark For Diversity News Magazine Dot Com Domain and Name

Diversity News Magazine dot com December 2011
Diversity News Magazine dot com December 2011

For Immediate Press Release!

Steven Escobar Founder and Owner of Diversity News Magazine files for name and domain trademark.

Los Angeles, California Jul 16, 2021 (  – Diversity News Media Brands formerly Diversity News Publications publisher of Diversity News Magazine Org and Diversity News Magazine Dot Com files for Diversity News Magazine Dot Com trademark with the USPTO. Mr. Esteban Escobar aka Steven Escobar who is the owner and founder of Diversity News Magazine Dot Com files for company name and domain trademark.

The main reasons why Mr. Escobar during 2019 was not able to pay his renewal fees to GoDaddy was due to financial hardship and litigation expenses. When Mr. Escobar was ready to renew GoDaddy had sold the domain to a guy overseas from Pakistan who is a domain squatter. Immediately Mr. Escobar registered the domain name Diversity News Magazine Org while consulting with his colleagues and friends on ways to get back his Diversity News Magazine Dot com domain. Mr. Escobar was advised to trademark his domain name.

For your information, the domain squatter will first perform searches on the availability of domain names, which include business names, brand names, trademark names, or anything he or she feels will be valuable to the company willing to pay for. If it’s available, the individual buys the domain name, with the intent of selling it at a higher price to the owner of the business or the brand.

For those who does not know what Cybersquatting means, it means the practice of registering names, especially well-known company or brand names, as internet domains, in the hope of reselling them at a profit.

Diversity News Magazine June 2019
Diversity News Magazine photo of June 2019

So after purchasing the domain, the Pakistan domain squatter man contacted Mr. Escobar asking to give him access to his Gmail account and all his social media accounts. This Pakistan middle east man offered Mr. Escobar $100 US Dollars for all his social media profile pages. This Pakistan domain squatter did purchase Diversity News Magazine Dot com because he has read that Mr. Escobar needed money so he tried to Cybersquatting Mr. Escobar by asking him to sale all his social media profile accounts including Gmail for $100 US dollars. Mr. Escobar very well knows that his social media pages are worth more than $100 US dollars in fact he knows some of his pages are worth thousands of dollars.

Domain squatting is illegal. A domain squatter is blocking the rightful owner of the trademark or brand from acquiring the domain name and using it to increase his or her internet visibility.

The law looks at domain squatting as similar to holding a property (the domain name) in order to raise ransom, and it is considered a trademark infringement. If a domain squatter can’t prove a legal intent in owning the domain name, it is considered to be a bad faith registration, and he or she is considered guilty of domain squatting.

For those who does not know what Cybersquatting means, it means the practice of registering names, especially well-known company or brand names, as internet domains, in the hope of reselling them at a profit. The Pakistani guy would contact Mr. Escobar via Facebook and Twitter. One time the Pakistan man asked Mr. Escobar to buy back Diversity News Magazine Dot Com from him for a higher price.

Mr. Escobar has been keeping an eye on his domain and because he keeps getting emails from former readers, partners and colleagues asking if he is still in charge of Diversity News Magazine Dot Com. So after consulting with various colleagues, on 3-31-2021, Mr. Escobar decided to trademark Diversity News Magazine name and Diversity News Magazine Dot Com domain. Diversity News Magazine and Diversity News Magazine Dot Com are Mr. Escobar companies in the US. Mr. Escobar tells us that lots of middle east people are desperate to make a quick buck so they do this illegal things.

DiversityNewsMagazine dot com with trademark register logo
DiversityNewsMagazine dot com with trademark register logo

Mr. Escobar advices anyone reading this press release to secure your intellectual properties because out there in the battle field they’re desperate rats! Who trying to benefit on others hard work. To the individual that purchase Diversity News Magazine Dot com domain from the domain squatter you know that’s illegal and if you are a good person, you should have contacted Mr. Escobar directly but not been a desperate rat with no brains to start your own media site! Perhaps you haven’t read the newspaper or seen online news on how companies reach to each other to make deals to purchase a media outlet or a business to each other. They don’t go around looking for a domain squatter to cybersquatting a well know company name or brand name in this case domain name. Each company reach professional to each other to make the deal to purchase in this case a media outlet company.

So the Pakistan domain squatter researched Mr. Escobar Diversity News Magazine Dot com and Diversity News Publications Dot com domains and found out that Mr. Escobar is been investing, running and promoting Diversity News Publications and Diversity News Magazine since 2003 to the present which is over 18 years. Diversity News Publications and Diversity New Magazine are known and recognized in Southern California by many organizations including government officials. In fact Diversity News Publications and Diversity New Magazine has received multiple awards and nominations in Southern California from non profit organizations and government officials. To learn about our social impact in Southern California please click on Nominations and Awards at Our service has  been recognized by non profit organizations as well government agencies politicians.

Mr. Escobar wants to set the record clear that yes in deed he is the owner of Diversity News Magazine, name and domain. Diversity News Publications Dot Com and Diversity News Magazine Dot com were founded in 2003 in Los Angeles, CA. The name Diversity News Publications which owns Diversity News Magazine Dot com was a registered business entity in the City of Los Angeles and as well Diversity News Magazine. Diversity News Media Brands formerly Diversity News Publications is the publisher of Diversity News Magazine Dot Com and Diversity News Magazine Org. So Diversity News Magazine is knows as a company name and a trademark as well his founder and owner Mr. Esteban Escobar aka Steven Escobar is known for those company and domain names. If you Google Diversity News Magazine Dot com and Diversity News Publications Dot com you will find that they are listed in various website directories and Mr. Esteban Escobar aka Steven Escobar is listed as the owner and publisher. Even lots of marketing and public relations emails press releases for publication to Mr. Escobar on his domains Diversity News Magazine Dot com, Diversity News Publications Dot com and Diversity News Magazine Org.

Diversity News Magazine November 2019
Sarah Jones who is currently violating our trademark domain name is a been a cybersquatting participant. Please note that she is not an employee, not an agent, not consultant, not a representative or is not part of Diversity News neither or any other subsidiaries of Diversity News Media Brands. We ask that to be aware of possible fraud and scams where we are not to be held liable or responsible for the individual cybersquatting tactics.

So now that the United States Patent and Trademark Office has published that Mr. Esteban Escobar has filed for the trademark DIVERSITY NEWS MAGAZINE – DIVERSITYNEWSMAGAZINE.COM. Mr. Escobar issue a Trademark Infringement – Cease and Desist and Domain Trademark Infringement – Cease and Desist to the known Registrar and Hosting companies as well the contact in the domain Whois dot com which is mostly private. So Mr. Escobar received a response from the person that may have bought Diversity News Magazine Dot com from the Pakistan domain squatter. The person is refusing to cooperate by transferring Diversity News Magazine Dot com to Mr. Escobar hosting company. Also for which is one of the hosting companies, a representative has responded stating that the trademark is not true enforceable because is in process at the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

GoDaddy has responded to our Domain Trademark Infringement – Cease and Desist letter – – [Incident ID: 45255087] on July 16, 2021 providing the following response:

“The website is not hosted by GoDaddy. We ask that you please note the following information:

The registrar is the company that sells a domain name registration to a person or company.
The registrant is the person or company that purchases a domain name for use.
The hosting provider is the company that provides space on its computers for the files that make up the content of the website.
Name servers do not determine the hosting provider of a website. Website content is not stored on name servers.

While GoDaddy offers services as both a registrar and a hosting provider, this does not mean that we provide both services for every domain that is registered through our company.

If you first identify the IP address of the website, you can then find the hosting provider that IP address is assigned to. In most cases, this is a much more accurate method for determining who is hosting a website. You’ll want to reach out to the hosting provider that the IP address is assigned to for further assistance with this content based issue

Also, our internal policies, as well as ICANN regulations, prevent us from acting as the arbiter of domain name disputes. We are not able to assist you with claims regarding the wording of a registered domain name.

Complaints of this nature need to be taken up with the domain name owner directly, or should be filed in a UDRP or court proceeding.

Kindest Regards,

Trademark Department
Go Daddy Operating Company, LLC”

Mr. Escobar just want his the infringement person or individuals to stop using his domain name. Mr. Escobar is the one who has expend many years and thousands of dollars on Diversity News Magazine Dot com in the domain online footprint. He would not do something like that if he is not interested on it. So the domain squatter knew what he was doing just to get a quick buck. Mr. Escobar thinks that Sarah John who has been hiding her identity may have fall on the domain squatter fraud and scam.

Archive org Diversity News Magazine November 2019 page 2
Archive org Diversity News Magazine November 2019 page 2

For those of you reading this press release let me tell you that the current person communicating with you of the name of Sarah John is not the owner of Diversity News Magazine Dot com and by not cooperating she is been participating in Cybersquatting which is illegal. If you get a response from her please be aware that she does not own Diversity News Magazine dot com and be cautions of fraud and scams from her. Mr. Escobar does not want to consider a lawsuit against the infringer. That only thing Mr. Escobar wants is his domain name to be transfer to his hosting company because that’s his trademark!  So please contact Mr. Escobar at his cellular 213-321-9408 or email to:

Sources: Diversity News Media Brands at

Diversity News Magazine at

USPTO Trademark at

Happy Quarantine New Year 2021 from Esteban Steven Escobar and Diversity News Magazine

Happy Quarantine New Year 2021 from Esteban Steven Escobar and Diversity News Magazine

Happy Quarantine New Year 2021 from Esteban Steven Escobar and Diversity News Magazine
Happy Quarantine New Year 2021 from Esteban Steven Escobar and Diversity News Magazine


Esteban Steven Escobar,,

Diversity News TV,

Diversity News Radio,

Diversity Pageants USA,


Diversity News Productions

Happy Quarantine New Year 2021 from Esteban Steven Escobar and Diversity News Magazine
Happy Quarantine New Year 2021 from Esteban Steven Escobar and Diversity News Magazine

Write for Us!

Looking for an amazing, strong, decent and award winning Mainstream Media “Consumer News Magazine For The People By The People” to share your creative and informative articles?

We are glad that you found us. Thank you for your interest in becoming formerly DiversityNewsMagazineDotcom Contributor Writers, Reporters, Correspondents and Photographers. Want to cover amazing events in your area? Want to share your thoughts with the world? We are a “Consumer News Magazine For The People By The People”, and we would love to share your insights. Contributor Writers, Reporters, Correspondents and Photographers will be covering local, state, national and international news and entertainment events, including breaking news, red carpet events, awards shows, celebrity news, movie premieres, local news, national news, international news, politics, technology, money, pageants, fashion shows, television shows, exclusive one on one interviews, sports and much more.

About Diversity News Magazine: Hollywood’s Worldwide Online Consumer News Magazine. formerly DiversityNewsMagazineDotcom was founded in 2009, Diversity News Magazine is an award winning independent online and special digital print edition mainstream multi-media outlet. mission and purpose is to educate and inform our diverse community worldwide. We focus on featuring and reporting on local, national and international news, Arts & Entertainment, Awards Shows, Breaking News, Celebrity News, Red Carpet Events, Charities, Features, Fashion Shows, Parades, One on One Interviews, Healthcare, Movies, Politics, Sports and more importantly, newsworthy items that would be of interest to our diverse cultures.

Diversity News Magazine is not targeting a demographic, we are inclusive and work with everyone. We provide you with the hottest and latest breaking news, Arts & Entertainment, Awards Shows, Breaking News, News, Celebrity News, Entertainment, Fashion Shows, Features, Interviews, Music Concerts, Movie Premiers, Interviews, Red Carpet Events, Technology, Sports, Politics and more and videos straight from the news makers and shakers. For more information visit:, Like us on Facebook at:, Follow us on TwitterDiversity News Magazine Twitter and on Instagram @diversitynewsmagazine

In 2011 Diversity News Magazine reached over 19.5 million readers, views, and hits by the end of the year. Now is reaching an average of 2.5 millions per month.

Diversity News Magazine and Diversity News Publications have affiliate partnerships relationship for media content and distribution with the following media, news and entertainment leader companies such as MediaMax Online via EPK TV,, The Miss Universe Organization, ABC Television Network, CBS Television, NBC Universal, Inc via NBC Universal Media Village, Fox Broadcasting Company via Fox Flash, Summit Entertainment, Lions Gate Entertainment, Conscience Entertainment, Tehran International Weekly Magazine, Studio One via Men’s Life Today, Repost.Us, Film District Publicity, Grab Media formerly the Voxant Newsroom and many more.

We only select specific content the will be of interest to our readership from our media affiliate partners for media content and distribution . formerly DiversityNewsMagazineDotcom published by Diversity News Publications is looking for Contributor Writers, Reporters, Correspondents and Photographers. The Contributor Writers, Reporters, Correspondents and Photographers will be covering local, state, national and international news and entertainment events, including breaking news. Contributors/Reporters Writers’ Guidelines and Agreement:


You must share article links in all your social media to be considered credible contributor/reporter and to create a fanbase the loves to read your articles/stories with photos or videos.


Paid compensation for articles is not available at this time. We do hope to be able to offer compensation in the future, and any changes to the compensation policy will be updated here. However if you are assigned to cover an event, you may get access to cover A-list, B-list, C-list and D-list Actors & Celebrities and more by attending and report about events, Byline credit only. Contributors must remember that this is a non paid position, providing access to events, establish your writing portfolio, you the contributor receives credit and byline opportunity only when we publish or print your articles/stories.

Diversity News Magazine published by Diversity News Publications is always looking for talented, experienced freelance contributors/writers to enhance our online media magazine, special print magazine, ancillary publications and websites. Our general goal is to have a good mix of fun and substantive local stories of interest to our worldwide Diverse consumers and readers. If you think you can help us do that, then read on., has the following list of writing opportunities we have for contributors/freelancers. To fully understand the list, you’ll need to be aware of and the categories/sections and departments that make them up.

Before submitting your application via the form below and uploading your draft article, we encourage you to go over the guidelines below.


Make sure that the draft articles you submit to Diversity News Magazine are 100% original, meaning that the content was not published anywhere else on the internet (that includes your personal blog or website).


Please try to keep your article within the 550 – 1500 words range. Anything over 1500 words is difficult to read, and it may be a better idea to split the content across multiple articles.


Please refrain from any offensive or negative tone that may demotivate or discourage our readers. Try to keep it warm and positive. If you’re writing on a sensitive topic, make sure it is not biased and that the facts are checked. It is very important the all contributors must write as 3rd person. You are allowed to write as 1st person, when writing an opinion article, a product or service review. Remember by writing as 1st person you are giving your opinion on a product or service.


At, formerly DiversityNewsMagazineDotcom we follow the Associated Press style. The Associated Press is an American multinational nonprofit news agency headquartered in New York City that operates as a cooperative, unincorporated association. Freelancers should follow AP style when writing their stories for us. We will make any slight adjustments in the few areas we deviate from AP style, if it is necessary.

WRITING FORMAT: formerly DiversityNewsMagazineDotcom Staff and Contributors/Reporters writing format is by utilizing the Five W’s and one H. What are the Five W’s and One H? They are: Who, What, Why, When, Where and How. Why are the Five W’s and One H important? Journalism purists will argue your story isn’t complete until you answer all six questions. It’s hard to argue this point, since missing any of these questions leaves a hole in your story. Even if you’re not reporting on the news of the day, this concept could be useful in many professional writing scenarios.


Please upload/email your drafts via PDF, copy to the text to the body email or Microsoft Word formats.

IMAGES: We would appreciate if you provide relevant and high quality copyright free images along with your article.


If you intend to use formerly DiversityNewsMagazineDotcom to write sponsored promotional articles stuffed with keywords and backlinks, then our platform can work for you. Each referenced source or link has to be of high quality and naturally blend with your content. You can endorse a company, their products or services and link them. Email us at: or


Please do not focus the attention on a specific company or service. Your article needs to have a balanced viewpoint and if any product/company/service is mentioned, it needs to blend in with the nature of the article and be useful to our readers. You can endorse a company, their products or services and link them. Email us at: or

RELEVANT CONTENT: is a “Consumer News Magazine For The People By The People”, and we would love to share your insights. We aim to create useful and inspiring content for our readers. Whether it’s for upcoming entrepreneurs, style gurus, health, fitness, or sharing inspiring success stories. Your content has to be relatable. If you’re writing about woodcutting techniques or fires, car accidents, then is probably not the place.

CONTRIBUTORS/REPORTERS NAMES MENTIONS: formerly DiversityNewsMagazineDotcom contributors are professional individuals when writing an article/story are on the field covering an event. Diversity News Magazine contributors have an obligation to the news-makers and shakers to present a fair and balance article/story. It is unethical for contributor/reporter to mention his/her name on the body of an article/story when it shows the he/she is the contributor writer or reporter. Diversity News Magazine contributors can only have photos of themselves on the article/story but they can not mention their name in the body of the article/story because their byline is already there.


In general, we expect freelancers to use good journalism and solid writing in their Diversity News Magazine articles. Here are some specific requirements we ask of our freelancers:

  • Multiple sources. A minimum of two sources. A 450-word story should have no fewer than two sources; a 800-word story should have no fewer than three sources. Occasionally, some short Diversity News Magazine stories/articles have just one source, but that is rare. Bottom line: Do thorough reporting.

  • Diverse sources. formerly DiversityNewsMagazineDotcom has a worldwide circulation in the internet. We are based in Hollywood, California but we are expanding to major cities of the United States and abroad. So it’s important to us that our sources reflect our readership. Freelancers don’t have to hit every county we cover, but they should have sources from more than one. And the more counties covered, the better.

  • Sidebars. Any story 1,000 words or more should have at least one sidebar. Sometimes it’s an info box referring readers to more information from a local organization. Sometimes it’s a list of tips related to the story’s subject. Readers like having information broken up for them and they enjoy multiple points of entry into a story, so we value freelancers who are mindful of that.


Be aware that as a Contributor for formerly DiversityNewsMagazineDotcom, or its affiliates or subsidiaries, these are the terms and conditions that you must comply with:

At no time will you (as a writer, journalist, freelancer, reporter/host, reviewer or intern) or your associates, friends, family or affiliates directly request anything i.e. products, services or event attendance from outside companies as a representative of Diversity News Magazine or its affiliates or subsidiaries.

All requests MUST come through the Diversity News Magazine editorial team.

If you have a story idea, want to attend an event, want to review a product, etc. let us know and provide us with the pertinent information (through our web page interface) and we will contact the company on your behalf or provide you with an Editorial Assignment Document. ALL communications MUST ALWAYS be through our Diversity News Magazine editorial team!

At no time will you, while associated with formerly DiversityNewsMagazineDotcom, or its affiliates or subsidiaries, give out your personal phone number, email address, physical address or any other personal contact information to any contacts made through or on behalf of Diversity News Magazine, or its affiliates or subsidiaries, nor will any of your friends, family or affiliates give out any of their personal information such as phone numbers, email addresses, physical address or any other personal contact information.

All correspondence and communications must come through formerly DiversityNewsMagazineDotcom editorial team.

All submitted articles become the property of Diversity News Magazine in that we may keep your articles posted on our sites for as long as we see fit. You may use your articles in any other publications if you wish.

Any violation of these terms will result in immediate termination of our relationship with you and the immediate notification of companies that you have worked with (on our behalf) that you are no longer associated with formerly DiversityNewsMagazineDotcom , or its affiliates or subsidiaries.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions that you may have (

There are many excellent opportunities available through formerly DiversityNewsMagazineDotcom, that will allow you to experience things you may never have had access to before and, often, to receive the VIP treatment! Our sites receive a tremendous amount of traffic, so the articles you post will not only be read all over the world but will also often appear on the first page of Google searches! Keep in mind that this is not a paid position. Diversity News Magazine has been and continues to be willing to take more risks with new writers than other publications.


Please read the guidelines in their entirety BEFORE submitting.


All content must be written by you and must not have been published elsewhere.


You retain the rights to your submission, but formerly DiversityNewsMagazineDotcom, reserves the right to promote/publish any article that is submitted to us indefinitely. Occasionally, articles from the magazine may be republished on the Diversity News Magazine blog, affiliate sites, newsletter, website, or other materials.


If your submission is selected and published in the magazine, you may not republish your article elsewhere in its entirety until at least 5 months have passed, and if/when you do, to include language that states “This article was originally published in Diversity News Magazine” and include a link to our website:

In the meantime, to promote your article, we advise that you share a paragraph or short excerpt from the article to generate interest and include a link to your social medias for them to click your article/story, if they’d like to read more.


Will be assigned at the discretion of the Editor in Chief, and may range from 700 – 1500 words for articles (or as otherwise specified for interviews, photo journals, etc.). Your completed submission may not exceed the assigned word count limit. If you are having trouble meeting the word count assignment, please reach out to the editorial team at before submitting your piece.


We want you to tell your story in your own words. So we will only edit your article for clarity, punctuation, spelling, and grammar. We also reserve the right to change the title of the piece.


A photo release will be required for any photos that are submitted. You (or your photographer, if applicable) will retain all rights to the photos you submit, but Holl & Lane retains the right to use any submitted photos to promote your article and the magazine on social media, the blog, our website, or other materials. Photo credit will always be given to the creator. We will not alter the photos other than to resize them to conform to image size specifications for the magazine, social media, and other materials.


  • The Assignment Desk Editor is who selects, develops and plans reporting assignments, either news events or feature stories, to be covered by contributors/reporters. He/She will provide instructions for your article/story will be provided when you are notified of your pitch/assignment selection. If you are having trouble with the submission system, please contact the editorial team at In addition, all content and photos must be submitted together in one submission.


If you are a photographer interested in working with us, email: with a link to your profile.  We look specifically for lifestyle photographers. Due to the volume of submissions we receive, we cannot personally respond to everyone, however we will be in touch if we would like to move forward.
Note:  All contributors are unpaid, but you will receive credit in the online and digital print magazine.

If you have any questions that are not addressed here, please email


About Our Publications formerly DiversityNewsMagazineDotcom(publishes weekly/daily/monthly online)

Verified circulation:

Diversity News Magazine articles/stories pieces: 400-1500 words. Currently include:


Diversity News Magazine Special Print Issue Ancillary Publications/Special Sections



If you have any questions that are not addressed here, please email:, or

Esteban Steven Escobar, CEO and Publisher

Photo credit to: Alireza Kia for

Esteban Escobar aka Steven Escobar, CEO, Publisher

Esteban A. Escobar (born in El Salvador, Central America on September 6th and U.S. Naturalized on May 20, 2015) is a multi-award winning American journalist, reporter, editor, columnist, writer, producer, director, publicist, radio personality, entrepreneur, accounts receivable specialist, humanitarian and philanthropist.

Steven Escobar started Diversity News Publications when he saw the word Diversity in an office and it’s meaning, he them decided to call his company Diversity News Publications and started branding the name Diversity News. Steven Escobar goal is to promote and raise awareness of Diversity and Inclusion. For those reasons Steven Escobar is known as the man from Diversity.

Esteban is known as Steven Escobar. He is the former Founder, CEO, President & Executive Editor-In-Chief of Diversity News Magazine Dot Com, an online & special print consumer news magazine both are available worldwide and are viewed freely by millions of visitors each month.

After setting for over 12 years the successful online footprint of Diversity News Magazine Dot Com. Esteban Steven Escobar is now setting another online footprint with new media site Diversity News Magazine Org

On 7-10-2015, Steven Escobar founded and is the CEO, President and Executive Producer of Diversity News Magazine Awards which launched on 11-5-2016 by sponsoring Diversity Pageants special awards. Also on 7-10-2015, Steven Escobar unveiled the launch of new media outlet named Miss Diversity News Beauty Pageants Magazine.

Photo credit to: Bob Delgadillo from Bob Delgadillo Photography for Diversity News Productions

On November 2013, Steven Escobar founded and is currently the Chief Executive Officer of Diversity Professional Business & Media Solutions Group, a company to help small businesses to be compliant with changes in technology and have a presence online. On July 2013 Steven Escobar founded and is the CEO of Diversity Recovery Systems, a professional consulting and account receivables third party company specializing in healthcare medical collections.

Esteban “Steven” Escobar is also the executive producer and director of Diversity News TV, the host of Diversity News Radio, on Air with Steven Escobar, and the Founder, CEO and President of Diversity News Publications, a news/entertainment multimedia firm in Hollywood, CA. Steven Escobar owns E.E.Enterprises, an affiliate of The Diversity News Publications family of companies.

Steven Escobar is a currently a contributor and writer for Esteban “Steven” Escobar is a former official contributor/writer for the Hollywood and Los Angeles County events examiner for and contributor for distributed via Yahoo Voices.

Steven Escobar is currently the account executive and media liaison at World Wide Vital Marketing & Public Relations. Steven Escobar’s former professional affiliations and memberships include being a member and media partner of the Filipino American Chamber of Commerce of Greater Los Angeles Inc., (Gay and Lesbian Entertainment Critics Association) GALECA with voting and membership rights on The Dorian Awards.

Since 2011, Steven Escobar started been involved in the beauty pageant industry. On May 20, 2011 Steven Escobar was a judge for Ms. Exoti-Lady World Pageant 2011.

In 2013, Steven Escobar became involved with Virgelia Productions producers of Miss Asia USA, Mrs Asia USA and Miss Teen Asia USA Beauty Pageants as their Public Relations representative. In 2014 Steven became involved with Virgelia Productions as consultant publicist for 3rd Annual Miss Latina Global, Miss Teen Latina Global and Mrs Latina Global Beauty Pageants. Also in 2015 Steven Escobar consulting services were retained by Virgelia Productions Inc., to help with online marketing and public relations with the 27th Annual Miss Asia USA, 11th Annual Mrs. Asia USA, Miss Teen Asia USA and 4th Annual Miss Latina Global, Mrs. Latina Global and Miss Teen Latina Global as well 1st Annual Miss Europe Global.

Because of his goals and aspirations in the media publishing business, Steven Escobar has acquired skills in new media including marketing and public relations.

Steven Escobar is no stranger to the entertainment industry. He has covered many prestigious events in Hollywood. Some of them are the 2009 Outstanding Emmy Awards Nominees, 2010 American Music Awards, 2011 American Music Awards, 69th Annual Golden Globe Awards Nominees Announcement, 43rd NAACP Image Awards, 44th NAACP Image Awards, 12th Annual Latin Grammys Nominees Announcement, 2012 NCLR ALMA Awards, the Hollywood Christmas Parade, the 2014 Golden Globe Awards, 2015 LA Times/Hoy Awards, 2015 Miss Universe, 2016 NBC The Voice Season 11 finale, 2017 She Rocks Awards, 48th NAACP Image Awards Nominees’ Luncheon Kick-Off Celebration, 2017 Writers Guild Awards, 27th Annual Night of 100 Stars Academy Awards Viewing Gala, 2017 Miss USA and many more.

Steven Escobar also gives back to the community by helping charities. From 2003 to the present, he has been raising money and awareness for AIDS Walk LA benefiting AIDS Project Los Angeles now known as AIDS Project Los Angeles Health through team Diversity News 3960. Also in 2011 Steven Escobar raised money for The Life Group LA. Steven Escobar has volunteered for Exotifit For Humanity now known as We Care for Humanity and The Human Rights Campaign Los Angeles Steering Committee.

Steven was nominated for The Shorty Awards 2011 and the People’s Choice Fan Award 2012. In 2012 Steven Escobar received the Humanitarian Award at the 2012 International Noble Awards. Also on June 2, 2012 Steven Escobar Received the Community and Humanitarian Services Award at Kayamanan Bayan for all his contributions to the Filipino American community in Southern California.

Esteban Steven Escobar Arrives to RED 12-12-12 red carpetOn 12-12-12 Steven Escobar received an award for the Most Fascinating Person of the Year. On August 4, 2013, Steven Escobar won the 2013 EOTM (Entrepreneurs On the Move) Award for Outstanding Internet Talk Show Diversity News Radio on Air with Steven Escobar. named Steven Escobar one of the Hot 500 contributors during the month of March 2012.

On March 1, 2014 Steven Escobar received the following awards from City of Beverly Hills Mayor John A. Mirisch: The Diversity Award Certificate of Recognition from the City of Beverly Hills Mayor and City Council, and the County of Los Angeles by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Los Angeles and City of Los Angeles Certificate of Recognition signed by the Mayor of Los Angeles Eric Garcetti for his participation and contributions to the Multicultural Motion Picture Association (MMPA).

On 7-23-2014, Esteban Steven Escobar’s publication Diversity News Magazine by Steven Escobar was nominated for The 2014 LGBT Hero Awards as Online Magazine of the Year 2014.

Also on November 22, 2014 Steven Escobar received a Certificate of Appreciation for his publication Diversity News Magazine from the City of Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti for the contribution and help to the 26th Annual Miss Asia USA and Mrs. Asia USA Cultural Pageants held at Redondo Beach Performing Arts Center in Redondo Beach, CA.

On January 20, 2015, Steven Escobar @DiversityNewsEE received a 2015 Nomination for Shorty Award in #category as Blogger even though he do not consider himself a blogger.

On June 2015 Steven Escobar received Certificate of Appreciation to him and Diversity News Magazine as well Diversity News Publications for over a decade of contribution to Southern California especially the City of Los Angeles from Tom LaBonge, Councilmember, 4th District and Herb J. Wesson, Jr., President, L.A. City Council.

On May 10, 2015, Steven Escobar received a trophy from Samira’s TV Show for Excellence in Journalism.

On 6-4-2016, Steven Escobar was selected to be one of the distinguish and celebrity judges for Miss/Mrs Perfect Lady USA 2016. Also on April 9, 2017, Steven Escobar was selected by producer Amanda Lee as one of her distinguish judges of the 5th Annual Miss North Hollywood USA & Miss Universal City USA Regional Pageant produced by Noho Productions in North Hollywood, CA.

Steven Escobar founded on April 2016, via Diversity News Productions Diversity Pageants in response to the controversy of no Diversity and Inclusive included in many entertainment award shows, television roles, modeling, media, government roles, movies roles and music, etc. Steven Escobar is the founder, CEO, President & Executive Producer of Diversity Pageants at Diversity News Productions.

On November 5, 2016, Steven Escobar from Diversity News Productions received a congratulations letter and Recognition Certificates from the City of West Hollywood Mayor Lauren Meister and Council! Also on November 5, 2016, he received a congratulations letter and Certificate of Recognition from Assemblymember Adrin Nazarian Representing the 46th California Assembly District.

Steven Escobar has been in the USA since 1989. He study at Virgil Junior High School, Mary M. Bethune Junior High School and graduated from Ulysses S. Grant High School in 1994. Steven Escobar also attended Los Angeles City College and Los Angeles Trade Tech College to study journalism.

Steven Escobar has 2 sisters and 2 half brothers and a mother. Steven Escobar currently resides in Los Angeles County in the city of Hollywood, CA. For more information visit, officialestebanstevenescobar or

Esteban Steven Escobar Sues Shahbod Noori from Tehran International Weekly Magazine

Photo credit to: Carlos Zeron, CPC News Today

Esteban Escobar aka Steven Escobar lend Mr. Shahbod Noori from Tehran International Weekly Magazine Corporation $15,000.00 on December 18, 2014 which Mr. Shahbod Noori promise to pay the loan back by June 30, 2015. As of date of this press release Mr. Noori had not pay anything neither have try to settle the debt.

On December 18, 2014, Mr. Escobar gave the loan a check#3969 for $15,000.00 payable to Tehran Magazine wich Mr. Shahbod Noori promise to pay, even gave a check#3092 for $17,000.00 which includes $2,000.00 interest for the loan. Mr. Escobar presented check to Mr. Noori bank and the check was returned 5 times as Non Sufficient Funds. Mr. Escobar wants you to know that he is currently suing Mr. Noori in the Superior Court of California in the County of Los Angeles for over $20K.

Copy of the NSF postdated check Shahbod Noori gave to Steve Escobar

Mr. Escobar is represented by attorney Steven E. Weitz from The Law Office of Steven E. Weitz. Also Mr. Noori is represented by attorney Michael H. Moghtader from MHM Law Group APLC. Mr. Escobar just want his money to be pay back to him, so he has authorized attorney Steven E. Weitz to arrange a deposition of Mr. Noori as soon as possible. Their hope is that Mr. Noori and his attorney instead of going to the deposition may settle before it gets schedule.

The goal of this press release is to get Mr. Noori and his attorney to contact attorney Steven E. Weitz to reach a settlement and there will be no need to do a deposition on Mr. Noori. Mr. Escobar wants to get pay back his loan and move on with his life. Please note that this press release comply with fair business practices and there is no intentions to slander, defame or anything liable included. All release is what is happening with the matter.

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Editor’s Note: Press release was first published on

Steven Escobar Private Birthday and New US Citizen Celebration with Award Presentation

Photo credit to: Gisele O/ for Diversity News Magazine

It was a short notice, but Steven invited over 35 close friends to join him on his special milestones. One was Esteban “Steven” Escobar New U.S. Citizen on May 20, 2015 and his Birthday in September 6, 2015. Steven Escobar Birthdays falls before or on after Labor Day. The other celebration was that on May 20th when he became new U.S. Citizen held at LA Convention Center. So small cozy event was held on September 6, 2015 from 7:30 to 9:45 pm at  P.F. Chang’s China Bistro at Sherman Oaks Gallery.

The persons that attended were Jarvee Hutcherson, President of the Multicultural Motion Picture Association and National President of ASYM, Gisele Rebeiro known as the “Shooter Diva” Celebrity Syndicated Photographer for PartyBy5, PRPhotos, Editor of Got Anchored Online Magazine and Celebrity/Writer for Diversity News Magazine and Splash Magazines and Youth Center Training Development, Entrepreneur, CEO Monique Jackson and Songwriter Kristie Clark. During the event photos where taken.

“I want to thank the surprises I received and the people that I did not expected show up. Now I can see whom are friends that will drive miles to attend my event. I hope to be there for you as well.” said Steven Escobar.

Mr. Hutcherson presented Steven Escobar Certificate of Recognition from past retiree council-member 4th district of LA Honorable Tom LaBonge. The City of Los Angeles Certificate of Recognition was issued to: Steven Escobar and his media companies, Diversity News Magazine for 6 years of serving and informing the Southern California communities. Diversity News Publications for 12 years of informing, covering and serving Southern California and abroad.

Photo credit to: Gisele O/ for Diversity News Magazine
Photo credit to: Gisele O/ for Diversity News Magazine

Steven got some beautiful gifts and took more photos with friends and guests. The staff at P.F. Chang’s China Bistro at Sherman Oaks Gallery were very attentive and provided great service.

Photo credit to: Gisele O/ for Diversity News Magazine

After the dinner the after party continues with Steven Escobar and Gisele Rebeiro, Mr. Craig M. at Carlitos Ways Cocktail Lounge. The first drink was compliment of Carlitos Castellanos.

Steven Escobar used this opportunity to take photos of his friends reading his quarterly special print magazine available for ordering at:

Esteban Escobar is known as Steven Escobar,  Founder, CEO, President and Executive Editor-In-Chief of Diversity News Magazine, CEO and President of Diversity News Publications.

Photos credit to: Gisele O/ for Diversity News Magazine


Editorial and Opinions Education: State and National Shield Laws in the USA

First, we want to define for you what an Editorial piece means:

An editorialleading article (UK) or leader (UK), is an opinion piece written by the senior editorial staff or publisher of a newspapermagazine, or any other written document. Editorials may be supposed to reflect the opinion of the periodical.[citation needed] In Australian and major United States newspapers, such as The New York Times[1] and The Boston Globe,[2] editorials are often classified under the heading “opinion”.

Illustrated editorials may appear in the form of editorial cartoons.[3]

Typically, a newspaper’s editorial board evaluates which issues are important for their readership to know the newspaper’s opinion.[4]

Editorials are typically published on a dedicated page, called the editorial page, which often features letters to the editor from members of the public; the page opposite this page is called the op-ed page and frequently contains opinion pieces by writers not directly affiliated with the publication. However, a newspaper may choose to publish an editorial on the front page. In the English language press, this is done rarely and only on topics considered especially important; however, it is more common in some European countries such as SpainItaly, and France.[5]

In the field of fashion publishing, the term has been adapted to refer to photo-editorials – features with often full-page photographs on a particular theme, designer, model or other single topic, with or (as a photo-essay) without accompanying text.[6]

Second, we want to define for you what an Opinion piece means:

In general, an opinion is a judgment, viewpoint, or statement about matters commonly considered to be subjective.

What distinguishes fact from opinion is that facts are verifiable, i.e. can be objectively proven to have occurred. An example is: “United States of America was involved in the Vietnam War” versus “United States of America was right to get involved in the Vietnam War”. An opinion may be supported by facts, in which case it becomes an argument, although people may draw opposing opinions from the same set of facts. Opinions rarely change without new arguments being presented. It can be reasoned that one opinion is better supported by the facts than another by analyzing the supporting arguments.[1] In casual use, the term opinion may be the result of a person’s perspectiveunderstanding, particular feelings, beliefs, and desires. It may refer to unsubstantiated information, in contrast to knowledge and fact.

Collective or professional opinions are defined as meeting a higher standard to substantiate the opinion.

Editorial opinion[edit]

An “editorial opinion” is the stated opinion of a newspaper or of its publisher, as conveyed on the editorial page.

And Fourth California Shield Law:

In California, article I, section 2(b) of the California Constitution and Evidence Code section 1070 provide an immunity from being held in contempt to reporters, editors, publishers, and other people connected with or employed by newspapers, magazines, press associations and wire services, as well as radio or TV news reporters.

The California shield law applies to both the source of information (“confidential sources”) and to “unpublished information” such as notes, out-takes, unpublished photographs and tapes.

When a criminal defendant seeks information protected by the shield law, the courts have set up a “balancing test” which weighs how important the information is to the criminal defendant, whether the defendant can get the information elsewhere, and other factors.  See Delaney v. Superior Court (1990) 50 Cal. 3d 785.

On the other hand, when the prosecution seeks information in a criminal law, the shield law is absolute.  Miller v. Superior Court (1999) 21 Cal. 4th 883.  And in a civil case where the press is not a party, the immunity from contempt is also absolute – there’s no balancing test.  New York Times v. Superior Court (1990) 51 Cal. 3d 453.   This case helps journalists avoid being forced to be professional witnesses instead of professional journalists.

Does the shield law cover bloggers?  Good question.  The California shield law covers people “connected with or employed upon” a “newspaper, magazine, or other periodical publication, or by a press association or wire service.”   That question is likely to be litigated in the near future.

Additional information on the California Shield Law, Evidence Code Section 1070

1070. (a) A publisher, editor, reporter, or other person connected with or employed upon a newspaper, magazine, or other periodical publication, or by a press association or wire service, or any person who has been so connected or employed, cannot be adjudged in contempt by a judicial, legislative, administrative body, or any other body having the power to issue subpoenas, for refusing to disclose, in any proceeding as defined in Section 901, the source of any information procured while so connected or employed for publication in a newspaper, magazine or other periodical publication, or for refusing to disclose any unpublished information obtained or prepared in gathering, receiving or processing of information for communication to the public.

(b) Nor can a radio or television news reporter or other person connected with or employed by a radio or television station, or any person who has been so connected or employed, be so adjudged in contempt for refusing to disclose the source of any information procured while so connected or employed for news or news commentary purposes on radio or television, or for refusing to disclose any unpublished information obtained or prepared in gathering, receiving or processing of information for communication to the public.

(c) As used in this section, “unpublished information” includes information not disseminated to the public by the person from whom disclosure is sought, whether or not related information has been disseminated and includes, but is not limited to, all notes, outtakes, photographs, tapes or other data of whatever sort not itself disseminated to the public through a medium of communication, whether or not published information based upon or related to such material has been disseminated.

To read more on National and US Legal Shield Laws click on: Briefing Paper on Protection of Journalists’ Sources

Editor’s Note: Now you have it. Educate yourself if you do not want the “Real Press or Media” teams to report of what they saw then make your event private and remember press or media representatives are not your publicist and is against journalism code of ethics to accept payment for exchange on an exemplary article. Those are not real journalists and they out of the blue bought a video camera or  photo camera and became media or press but has no direction or guidelines of the rules set by professional organizations for Journalists and Media or Press Associations such as:,, SPJLos Angeles Press Club and many more. They have no idea the formats how to write. They have no education on the field. So sad those desperate publicists accepts anyone that claims to be media or press!

Sources: Wikipedia,

Jarvee Hutcherson Honored With Lanfa Award Multiculture Awards by LA Nollywood Film Association

On Saturday, August 15, 2015, the Los Angeles Nollywood Film Association honored Jarvee Hutcherson, President of MMPA and ASYM with the Multiculture Awards at the 3rd annual LA Nollywood Film Awards held at Four Points by Sheraton Los Angeles International Airport 9750 Airport Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90045 from 3pm to 12 pm. The 3rd Annual LANFA Awards were produced by King Bassey.JARVEE HUTCHERSON HONORED WITH LANFA AWARD at LA Nollywood Awards -

Watch after the stage Exclusive interview by Steven Escobar.

About Jarvee Hutcherson: 
Jarvee Hutcherson, is the President of the Multicultural Motion Picture Association (MMPA), oversees a roster of 1,500 members nationwide. Recognized as the Spokesperson and Representative of Diversity issues and inclusiveness within the Television Networks, Motion Picture Studios and production companies. Mr. Hutcherson also serves as National President of the American Society of Young Musicians (ASYM), Committed to the Enrichment and Advancement of Young Musicians Across the Globe! It also funds a mentorship program, Scholarship Endowment for young Musicians between the ages of 13 to 30 years old, and Drug rehabilitation program.

Editor’s Note: Congratulations to our friend Mr. Jarvee Hutcherson for this amazing recognition from LANFA Awards 2015. Diversity News Magazine, Diversity News TV and Diversity News Radio are proud to be media partners of the 3rd Annual LANFA Awards 2015.

For complete coverage visit Diversity News Magazine at and our YouTube Channel at

Hollywood Media Firm Unveils Brand New Media Site Titled Miss Diversity News Beauty Pageants Magazine

July 30, 2015 – HOLLYWOOD — Diversity News Publications, publisher of Diversity News Magazine unveils brand new media site named Miss Diversity News Beauty Pageants Magazine. Miss Diversity News comes from the publishers of award winning consumer news site Diversity News Magazine.

“Beauty pageants is a big business that we have decided to dedicate a magazine just for the Miss and Miss Teens. We believe they have many dreams, but one of them is to one day become a princes. They dream to wear the tiara with pearls, shining shoes and a long sash. We want their dream to continue by shaping the way they see or read the news about beauty pageant competitions.” said Steven Escobar, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Miss Diversity News, President and Executive Editor-In-Chief of Diversity News Magazine and President of Diversity News Publications.

“Only because Miss Universe or Miss USA may be over, it doesn’t mean the princes dream is over. It is not because there are so many other beauty pageants that they can be part of it. Also the market will continue on while new generations of Miss or Teens dream to become princes. At Diversity News Publications Family of Companies we are always thinking outside the box by creating new products or services for our daily demanding consumers.” concluded Mr. Escobar.

Miss Diversity News Beauty Pageants Magazine purpose and mission is to educate, inform our diverse readership. As well to highlight the Miss & Miss Teen beauty pageant winners and to disseminate upcoming and after beauty pageant final event results. Our focus is to feature and report on local, national and international beauty pageants features, news and arts and entertainment and more importantly, newsworthy items that would be of interest to our diverse worldwide pageantry readership.

Miss Diversity News is published by Diversity News Publications and Powered by Diversity Professional Business and Media Solutions Group. For more information on Miss Diversity News visit

About Miss Diversity News Beauty Pageants Magazine:
Miss Diversity News Beauty Pageants Magazine purpose and mission is to educate, inform our diverse readership. As well to highlight the Miss & Miss Teen beauty pageant winners and to disseminate upcoming and after beauty pageant final event results. Our focus is to feature and report on local, national and international beauty pageants features, news and arts and entertainment and more importantly, newsworthy items that would be of interest to our diverse worldwide pageantry readership. For more information visit

About Diversity News Magazine:
Diversity News Magazine was founded in 2009, Diversity News Magazine is an award winning independent multi-media outlet and their mission and purpose is to educate and inform the diverse community worldwide. It focuses on featuring and reporting on local, national and international news, features, arts and entertainment, politics, sports and more importantly, newsworthy items that would be of interest to our diverse cultures. Diversity News Magazine is not targeting a demographic, they are inclusive and work with everyone. For more information visit Diversity News Magazine at

The Gay and Lesbian Entertainment Critics Association (GALECA) Hosts The 4th Annual Dorian Awards Winner Toast

The Gay and Lesbian Entertainment Critics Association (GALECA) Hosts The 4th Annual Dorian Awards Winner Toast

Photos credit to: Clinton H. Wallace/PhotoMundo International for formerly DiversityNewsMagazineDotcom

On Sunday, March 1, 2015, The Gay and Lesbian Entertainment Critics Association (GALECA) hosted the 4th Annual Dorian Awards Winners Toast at The Maharaja Room of The Pikey Bar & Cafe 7617 Sunset Boulevard in Hollywood, CA 90046 from 3 to 5:30 p.m. The 4th Annual Dorian Awards winners toast was hosted by Blair Madison Late (Bravo’ reality television series, Newlyweds: The First Year 2013).

Photos credit to: Clinton H. Wallace/PhotoMundo International for formerly DiversityNewsMagazineDotcom
Photos credit to: Clinton H. Wallace/PhotoMundo International for formerly DiversityNewsMagazineDotcom

Members, Officers and Guest of GALECA celebrated the 4th Annual Dorian Awards Winners with champagne toast, garlic fries with dressing, including photograph of themselves. The event gave members, officers and their guest the opportunity to network and get to know each other. Everyone looked at having great time during the events.

Photos credit to: Clinton H. Wallace/PhotoMundo International for formerly DiversityNewsMagazineDotcom

Star Melora Hardin (Transparent & The Office) was on hand to accept a series’ of several awards in the categories of (TV Comedy of the Year, LGBTQ Show of the Year, etc.). Also Robert Michael Morris (Valerie Cherish’s hairdresser Mickey on The Comeback) joined the group celebration to accept Lisa Kudrow’s TV Performance of the Year award on her behalf.

Photos credit to: Clinton H. Wallace/PhotoMundo International for formerly DiversityNewsMagazineDotcom

Couple Jeff Zarrillo and Paul Katami the first gay couple to be legally marry in California, joined Galeca to accept the Dorian Award for The Case Against 8’s win for documentary.

Accepting via online, the Timeless Award (given to an actor or performer whose exemplary career is marked by character, wisdom and wit) was George Takei.

Photos credit to: Clinton H. Wallace/PhotoMundo International for formerly DiversityNewsMagazineDotcom
Among the guests were Natalie Denise Sperl (Vocals/Guitar, Kill My Coquette), Christy Oldham (Film producer) and many more.
Photos credit to: Clinton H. Wallace/PhotoMundo International for formerly DiversityNewsMagazineDotcom
Photos credit to: Clinton H. Wallace/PhotoMundo International for formerly DiversityNewsMagazineDotcom

John Griffiths (Television Critic • Us Weekly) is the President of The Gay and Lesbian Entertainment Critics Association (GALECA) organization.

Logo credit to: Galeca Dorian Awards

GALECA, a 501 C-6 nonprofit organization, is comprised of over 100 professional entertainment journalists across the U.S. GALECA’s mission is to generate camaraderie in an unsettling media environment, preserve and champion the art of constructive criticism, and remind the world the LGBTQ community has a significant history of enhancing culture at large. And how would the world fare without knowing what’s campy? 

Follow them on Twitter at and Become a fan at

Photos credit to: Clinton H. Wallace/PhotoMundo International for formerly DiversityNewsMagazineDotcom

Photos credit to: Clinton H. Wallace/PhotoMundo International for formerly DiversityNewsMagazineDotcom
Photos credit to: Clinton H. Wallace/PhotoMundo International for formerly DiversityNewsMagazineDotcom
Photos credit to: Clinton H. Wallace/PhotoMundo International for formerly DiversityNewsMagazineDotcom

Editor’s Note: Our very own Executive Editor-In-Chief Esteban Escobar aka Steven Escobar from Diversity News Magazine published by Diversity News Publications is a proud member of GALECA with voting rights on the Dorian Awards.

Stella Gomez Featured On Diversity News Magazine Special Birthday and Holiday Print Issue

Stella Gomez Featured On Diversity News Magazine Special Birthday and Holiday Print Issue

Diversity News Publications, publisher of formerly Diversity News Magazine announced the release of their Special Birthday and Holiday Print Issue Featuring their Own Stella Gomez, Photographer, Writer and Reporter. Diversity News Magazine Special Print Edition was published on December 30, 2014.

To find out why our team decided to featured on the front cover of our special print magazine Stella Gomez. You need to order your print or digital copies of the Special Birthday and Holiday Print Issue.

“This Special Birthday and Holiday Print Issue is very special because it recognizes Stella Gomez for all the work she does in covering events, taking photos and writing articles. I really appreciate all her hard work.”said Steven Escobar, President and Executive Editor-In-Chief of Diversity News Magazine and President of Diversity News Publications.

An spoiler news for their loyal fans and readers, the next issue which is schedule to be available in print on April 2015 will featured an B familiar celebrity.

“I am happy to work in with other professionals in publishing and design to make our magazine better every time. I thanks them for their feedback and collaboration.” concluded Mr. Escobar.

The magazine is published in partnership with Blurb, Inc., a product of MagCloud and is available to be order in print for $8.00 or digital for $3.00, just click link a t

Any one who buys the print version will get Free Digital (Digital version is a PDF) with Print Purchase! that is a savings of $5.00 Remember by purchasing the magazine, you are supporting their team work to continue publishing the magazine. You can help them to continue publishing the magazine by sponsoring some pages. Contact President and Executive Editor-In-Chief Steven Escobar at on how you can help with sponsorship.

Diversity News Magazine Special Birthday and Holiday Issue Featuring Our Own Stella Gomez, Photographer, Writer and Reporter

By Esteban Steven Escobar in Diversity News Magazine

32 pages, published 12/30/2014

Diversity News Magazine Special Birthday and Holiday Issue Featuring Our Own Stella Gomez, Photographer, Writer and Reporter. Also this is our Diversity News Magazine Special Print Holiday Issue. Please see the birthday wishes, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2015 from various organizations and individuals.

About Diversity News Magazine: Hollywood’s Worldwide Online Consumer News Magazine. formerly DiversityNewsMagazineDotcom was founded in 2009, Diversity News Magazine is an award winning independent online and special digital print edition mainstream multi-media outlet. mission and purpose is to educate and inform our diverse community worldwide. We focus on featuring and reporting on local, national and international news, Arts & Entertainment, Awards Shows, Breaking News, Celebrity News, Red Carpet Events, Charities, Features, Fashion Shows, Parades, One on One Interviews, Healthcare, Movies, Politics, Sports and more importantly, newsworthy items that would be of interest to our diverse cultures. is not targeting a demographic, we are inclusive and work with everyone. We provide you with the hottest and latest breaking news, Arts & Entertainment, Awards Shows, Breaking News, News, Celebrity News, Entertainment, Fashion Shows, Features, Interviews, Music Concerts, Movie Premiers, Interviews, Red Carpet Events, Technology, Sports, Politics and more and videos straight from the news makers and shakers. For more information visit:, Like us on Facebook at:, Follow us on TwitterDiversity News Magazine Twitter and on Instagram Diversity News Magazine Instagram

Diversity News Radio on Air with Steven Escobar Co-Hosted by Lourdes Duque Baron

Diversity News Radio on Air with Steven Escobar to be Co-Host by International Published Author Lourdes Duque Baron

Diversity News Radio on Air with Steven Escobar to be Co-Host by International Published Author Lourdes Duque Baron
Scripted In Heaven By Lourdes Duque Baron
Diversity News Radio on Air with Steven Escobar to be Co-Host by International Published Author Lourdes Duque Baron
Scripted In Heaven By Lourdes Duque Baron

On June 27, 2013 – Hollywood, CA — Diversity News Productions producer of Diversity News Radio announced that Diversity News Radio on Air with Steven Escobar to be Co-Host by International Published Author Lourdes Duque Baron from “Scripted In Heaven” and upcoming book ”I Called Myself Cassandra” to co-host the show on Saturday, June 29, 2013 from 3:30pm to 4:15 pm.

To Listen to the show, click link here

On this show they will talk about her new upcoming radio show on the Diversity News Radio Networks called “The Lourdes Duque Baron Live in Hollywood Talk Radio Show”. Also about her upcoming book ”I Called Myself Cassandra” and 2013 EOTM Awards.

As always guests are invited to be part of the show by calling in to speak with the host (760) 888-5783 or email at

About Lourdes Duque Baron:
Lourdes Duque Baron, MHA, MSG, is a Catholic baby boomer and the wife of Dr. Robinson V. Baron. Lourdes Duque Baron is a community leader, international published book author of “Scripted in Heaven”, beauty queen (3rd runner-up for Mrs. Asia USA 2011 representing the Philippines), producer, president of Celestial Productions and founder/president of The Baron Publishing House Corporation. On January 10, 2013 she was nominated for The Sidney Hillman Foundation Award for her book “Scriped In Heaven” On February 12, 2013 she was nominated for the 2013 EOTM Award for her published book “Scripted In Heaven” in the category of Outstanding Literary (Inspirational, True Story, Biography). On February 28, 2013 she won an award for her book “Scripted In Heaven” at MoneyCytec Achiever Awards Night 2013 in New York. For more information visit her IMDB at Lourdes Duque Baron Imdb or official site at

About Steven Escobar:
Esteban A. Escobar (born in El Salvador, Central America on September 6th) is an award winning American (Journalist, reporter, editor, columnist, writer, producer, director, publicist, radio personality, accounts receivable specialist and philanthropist). Steven Escobar is the Executive Editor-In-Chief of DiversityNews Magazine. Esteban “Steven” Escobar is also the Producer, Director of Diversity News TV, the host of Diversity News Radio, on Air with Steven Escobar, the President of Diversity News Publications and he owns E.E.Enterprises, an affiliate of The Diversity News Publications Family of Companies. For more information visit his IMDB at Esteban Steven Escobar Imdb

About Diversity News Radio On AIR with Steven Escobar and Diversity News Radio Top 10 Most Requested Songs with Steven Escobar: “Diversity News Radio, On AIR with Steven Escobar” is an interactive, live internet talk-radio show that focuses on singers, business leaders, actresses, actors, recording artists, music composers, authors and writers and more of all genres and mediums. The show format features live music, interviews, breaking news, gossips, announcements, confessions, events, advertisements and much more. Host Steven Escobar explores the careers, advice, writing style and personality of each guest. Callers are encouraged to call (760) 888-5783 to listen or ask questions. The stream and archives are available at Diversity News Radio Networks – Diversity News Radio On Air with Steven Escobar. or The show is live every Saturdays and Sundays is the coutdown of songs with starts with #10 to #1 at 3:30 to 4:15 p.m. Pacific Standard Time. The show is hosted on BlogTalkRadio.

Book Signing of Scripted In Heaven by Lourdes Duque Baron at Scream Famous Clothing

Public Book Signing Tour of “Scripted In Heaven” by Lourdes Duque Baron at Scream Famous Clothing

Public Book Signing Tour of “Scripted In Heaven” by Lourdes Duque Baron at Scream Famous Clothing
Public Book Signing Tour of “Scripted In Heaven” by Lourdes Duque Baron at Scream Famous Clothing

International published book author and award winner Lourdes Duque Baron to continue her book tour in the USA. Book Signing Tour of “Scripted In Heaven” by Lourdes Duque Baron at Scream Famous Clothing Store Set For March 30th.

On Friday, March 22, 2013, The Baron Publishing House Corporation in association with Diversity News Productions/Publications announced that international published book author and award winner Lourdes Duque Baron will continue her book tour in the USA. The general public is invited to come to her book signing of “Scripted In Heaven”, on Saturday, March 30, 2013 from 3:00 p.m to 7:00 p.m at Scream Famous Clothing Store located at 7712 Melrose Avenue in Los Angeles, CA 90046.

The event will include complimentary h’orderves by Chef Ingrid Bedrosian from Ingrid’s Catering and drinks. With purchase of a book, guests can walk the red carpet and receive an autographed copy of the book. The cost is $55; please bring cash or checks only.
Diversity News TV will have beautiful actress and host Becca Minas interviewing the VIP celebrities. Also, Fil-Am Lorian Fausto from ITV will be interviewing on the red carpet.

Special confirmed celebrity appearances include:

  • Fil-Am & Brit Matthew Parry-Jones

  • Recording Artist, Performer, Singer and DIVA Cynthia Manley

  • Salta Desantiago (Mrs Asia USA 2011 winner)

  • Carlina Rebeiro (Miss Westchester Teen USA 2014)

  • Pamela Wolf (Fashion Designer behind Wolfeep)

  • Anjeli Jana (Miss India Asia USA 2013 and Ms. WeHo CA US 2012)

  • Chillie Mo (Actor/Rapper/Producer/Radio Host)

  • Nicole Kim (Winner of Mrs. Asia USA 2012) and many more.

  • Scripted In Heaven by Lourdes Duque Baron, The Baron Publishing House Corporation and Diversity News Productions wants to thank Canan Ayfer Fraser from Scream Famous Clothing, Matthew Parry-Jones, Celestial Productions, Travis Jourdain from Five Minute Photos, Gisele Rebeiro from, Linda Krongold from Diversity News Magazine, Lorian Fausto from ITV, The Robinson Baron Medical Clinic Staff and World Wide Vital Marketing & Public Relations, Inc.

    Public Book Signing Tour of “Scripted In Heaven” by Lourdes Duque Baron at Scream Famous Clothing
    Public Book Signing Tour of “Scripted In Heaven” by Lourdes Duque Baron at Scream Famous Clothing

    About Author Lourdes Duque Baron: Lourdes Duque Baron, MHA, MSG, is a Catholic baby boomer and the wife of Dr. Robinson V. Baron. Lourdes Duque Baron is a community leader, international published book author of “Scripted in Heaven”, beauty queen (3rd runner-up for Mrs. Asia USA 2011 representing the Philippines), producer, president of Celestial Productions and founder/president of The Baron Publishing House Corporation. On January 10, 2013 she was nominated for The Sidney Hillman Foundation Award for her book “Scripted In Heaven” On February 12, 2013 she was nominated for the 2013 EOTM Award for her published book “Scripted In Heaven” in the category of Outstanding Literary (Inspirational, True Story, Biography). On February 28, 2013 she won an award for her book “Scripted In Heaven” at MoneyCytec Achiever Awards Night 2013 in New York. For more information visit her IMDB at

    About “Scripted In Heaven”: “Scripted in Heaven” follows the journey of Dr. Robinson V. Baron and his physical and metaphysical healing. As a stubborn surgeon, he ignores a cryptic warning from an old lady about a supposedly imminent complication with his health. The struggles that follow take him on a journey of spiritual renewal, which leads him to rediscover his true faith and his true love. He seeks for the divine guidance of Padre Pio da Pietrelcina while trials and tribulations test him and his family. His devotion grows, even causing him to embark on a punishing pilgrimage to San Giovanni Rotondo in Italy, despite his fragile health.His mystical metamorphosis is a story of courage, sacrifice, and triumph. It inspires the reader to reflect on his own weakness and makes him long for purpose and truth in his mortal life. To purchase your copy of this book and/or to attend the next book signing please visit for more information

    About Scream Famous Clothing: Scream Famous Clothing was started and founded in 2012 by Canan Ayfer Fraser. She was inspired by her friend in London to start her own clothing business in the USA. She has always enjoyed fashion and is planning on bringing clothing and accessories from Europe and other locations from around the world to the USA. Canan Ayfer Fraser knows Los Angeles is a very fashion-forward city, and she is exposed to many fun and unique trends in the industry. For more information visit

    Sources: and The Baron Publishing House Corporation

    Editor’s Note: Article first published on on March 22, 2013 at